Gautam-1-R / STA9750-2024-FALL

Projects from STA9750 - Fall 2024
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STA9750 Gautam-1-R MiniProject #00 #1

Open Gautam-1-R opened 5 days ago

Gautam-1-R commented 5 days ago

Hi @michaelweylandt!

I've created my STA9750 website - check it out!

michaelweylandt commented 3 days ago

Thanks @Gautam-1-R !

Peer Feedback:

Please a look at the website associated with this GitHub repo and provide some peer feedback to @Gautam-1-R .

Website URL should be:

If that link doesn't work, please check out the GitHub profile for @Gautam-1-R and see if you can help them get it working.

At a minimum, please note:

  1. Something you like about the submission.
  2. A suggestion on how to improve it.

Feel free to link to other repos, the course documentation, or other useful examples.

This submission is ungraded, so there's you don't need to provide a numerical score.

Thanks! @michaelweylandt

CC: @charles-ramirez

PS - This submission is ungraded, so there is no penalty for late submission, but per the course late work policy that won't necessarily be the case going forward. Submit early and submit often.

mussakone commented 2 days ago

Hi Gautam, I like how you included the GPA you graduated your undergraduate degree with. My only suggestion would be to elaborate a little more and write a paragraph about yourself.

Gautam-1-R commented 2 days ago


lavs10 commented 1 day ago

Hi Gautam, Nice work with your website. I think it'd be great to add more about your interests/ hobbies or even a link to any other projects you have been a part of or your LinkedIn profile!