GauthamAsir / WhatsApp_Status_Saver

WhatsApp Status Downloader, preview, share and save files. Android 10+ support
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Swipe gesture Initially not working in savedFilesFragment #22

Open riteshknayak opened 1 year ago

riteshknayak commented 1 year ago

When the app is the first opened. If recyclerview in savedFilesFragment is Empty than swipe gesture doesn't work.

riteshknayak commented 1 year ago

I tried recreating the same fragment and transfered code little bit at a time. I found that recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new GridLayoutManager(getActivity(), Common.GRID_COUNT)); adding this line causes the Issue. Can anyone explain how this causing the issue.

GauthamAsir commented 1 year ago

When the app is the first opened. If recyclerview in savedFilesFragment is Empty than swipe gesture doesn't work.

Can you explain me the steps to re create, according to your previous message im unable to re create.

riteshknayak commented 1 year ago

By recreating, I mean, I created a fragment named TestFragment than changed portion of MainActivity and PageAdapter to include this Fragment as a new tab.

At first I added the SwipeRefreshLayout as expected it was working. Than I commented and fragment_saved_files.xml . I didn't recreated the RecyclerView Adapter. Now just as I added these two lines recyclerView.setHasFixedSize(true); recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new GridLayoutManager(getActivity(), Common.GRID_COUNT)); The swipe gesture didn't worked

GauthamAsir commented 1 year ago

Current app version has issue or the app you trying to create has issue? Because At my end it works properly

riteshknayak commented 1 year ago

When the app is the first opened. If recyclerview in savedFilesFragment is Empty than swipe gesture doesn't work.

Can you explain me the steps to re create, according to your previous message im unable to re create.

Link of screen recording

riteshknayak commented 1 year ago

Current one has this issue

Current app version has issue or the app you trying to create has issue? Because At my end it works properly

GauthamAsir commented 1 year ago

Okay can you do pull request if you found the solution will merge it

riteshknayak commented 1 year ago

Haven't found the solution yet.

GauthamAsir commented 1 year ago

Okay will look into it

riteshknayak commented 1 year ago

Did you got the Issue in your app

Current app version has issue or the app you trying to create has issue? Because At my end it works properly

When the app is the first opened. If recyclerview in savedFilesFragment is Empty than swipe gesture doesn't work.

Can you explain me the steps to re create, according to your previous message im unable to re create.

Link of screen recording

GauthamAsir commented 1 year ago

Yes, facing the issue but it isn't any major issue, so i didn't work on it. Will check it anyways

riteshknayak commented 1 year ago

Sorry Closed by mistake