GavickPro / Meet-Gavern

Meet Gavern Template for Joomla! 3.0
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RWD improvements #202

Open dziudek opened 9 years ago

dziudek commented 9 years ago


Ruud68 commented 9 years ago

hi @dziudek , just tested this fix and although I see good improvements in the handling of [aside] I also have a screen resolution where it is not yet working correct:

on a 7" device with resolution 960 x 554 (Landscape) two aside modules are repositioned to the bottom, but are not alligned next to each other (as on smaller screens) but below each other. see attached screen shots (first error, second portrait = okay) screenshot_2014-10-28-09-53-33-fout screenshot_2014-10-28-09-54-32-goed

dziudek commented 9 years ago

Please provide an URL to your website.

Ruud68 commented 9 years ago

hi @dziudek , here you go: (est-site) thanks for looking into this! if you need any testing, just let me know, regards, Ruud.

dziudek commented 9 years ago

@Ruud68 - did you recompiled bootstrap in the template? In my local installation this issue doesn't exist on this resolution.

Ruud68 commented 9 years ago

Hi @dziudek , just enabled in advance settings [recompile bootstrap] although I can see that when resizing my desktop browser that there is different behavior, it still is not okay on my tablet (in landscape mode: 960x552) same as screencapture above. :(

Ruud68 commented 9 years ago

hi @dziudek , just upgraded to version 1.4 and now I see that the issue with the aside in landscape mode is different as reported earlier... I have attached a new screen capture. The aside does not move below but stays on the side: if this is as intended then you can close this issue :) screenshot_2014-10-31-09-42-14