GavickPro / Meet-GavernWP

Meet GavernWP is a responsive free Wordpress theme
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Question regarding thumbnails #224

Closed ckubs closed 11 years ago

ckubs commented 11 years ago

I don't think it's appropriate to post this here because it's not an issue but I'm searching and still searching.

In what file I fiind the code that outputs post thumbnails? I want to make my post thumbnails square and I'm missing what file the code is in.

dziudek commented 11 years ago


The post thumbnails are generated in layouts/ file.

ckubs commented 11 years ago

Ah it's only that file. Changed <?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?> with <?php the_post_thumbnail('thumbnail'); ?> and it does nothing.

dziudek commented 11 years ago

In this case it must be a problem with your WordPress settings or cache, because it is the WordPress core code.

ckubs commented 11 years ago

Installed Gavern on another host(a free one for testing) and it does the same. I'll check the css too maybe there is the problem.

dziudek commented 11 years ago

I don't see any code which can stretch the thumbnails, but maybe there is some CSS properties inheritance which causes that the thumbnails are stretched to 100% width.

ckubs commented 11 years ago

I found only this: Inherited fromsection#gk-mainbody { font-size: 100%; }

Looked at your premium templates too and as far as I see all have large 100% width post thumbnails in archive pages. If you'd do one news/blog oriented template with square or small width thumbnails in archive I'd be a happy man.

Donno, like here: (actually bought that as they had an unbelivable offer and it turned out to be bad as hell)

dziudek commented 11 years ago

I'll add to the Meet GavernWP v.1.8 issue with this kind of the archive page.

ckubs commented 11 years ago

Come back with a response after I discovered something and I thought it will be good if you know. Yesterday I did regenerate all my thumbnails and discovered the issue I told you here is present only on homepage and archives(category, tag ...etc) and strangelly enough on single post it works like it should.

dziudek commented 11 years ago

@ckubs - could you send me an URL to your website to dziudek[at]gavick[dot]com ? Then I'll look at it on my free time :)

dziudek commented 11 years ago

I've emulated your problem on my localhost and as I see you have to wrongly edit file layouts/ - this file contains the the_post_thumbnail() function in two places, and most probably, you have edited only the first occurence so the change is visible only on pages which are compatible with is_single()

ckubs commented 11 years ago

Problem fixed then ... If I want to male some kind of adjustments since hard cropping is not working you can tell me what functions file do I need to ediy yo add additional functions to the theme?

dziudek commented 11 years ago

Sorry but in my opinion you shouldn't do it in the theme - it needs changes in the core WP code or some plugin which will regenerate the thumbnails using specific operations.

ckubs commented 11 years ago

Ok but atlast can you tell me what is the functions file where I cand add aditional functions to my theme so I newer need to come with something like that here? On a normal non-framework theme there is only one functions.php, here I see more.

dziudek commented 11 years ago

I recommend to use file gavern/user.functions.php moved to the Child Theme - then you will be able to override the theme functionality without comparing files on the theme update.