GavickPro / Meet-GavernWP

Meet GavernWP is a responsive free Wordpress theme
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Improvement in the mobile menu #276

Closed dziudek closed 11 years ago

dziudek commented 11 years ago

We have to add additional menu item in the mobile menu, because if the subpage doesn't contain the active menu item, then user is unable to come back to the homepage.

My solution based on the Simplicity theme:

Open the file layouts/header.php and change the following line:

<?php gavern_menu('mainmenu', 'main-menu-mobile', array('walker' => new GKMenuWalkerMobile(), 'items_wrap' => '<select onchange="window.location.href=this.value;">%3$s</select>', 'container' => 'div')); ?>


<?php gavern_menu('mainmenu', 'main-menu-mobile', array('walker' => new GKMenuWalkerMobile(), 'items_wrap' => '<select onchange="window.location.href=this.value;"><option value="#">'.__('Select a page', GKTPLNAME).'</option>%3$s</select>', 'container' => 'div')); ?> 

@piotrkunicki - please remember about regenerating the *.POT language files.

piotrkunicki commented 11 years ago

Changes made in all WP Themes.