GavickPro / Meet-GavernWP

Meet GavernWP is a responsive free Wordpress theme
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Edge to edge image at home page #298

Open ghost opened 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

Hey guys, just wondering if it's possible to make an edge to edge photograph on a home page? Basically, what I wanna do is to replace the grey background with an image and preserve text with buttons. What code should I use? Thanks 1

piotrkunicki commented 10 years ago


Try to add this code into css/override.css file (first enable this option in Template Options -> Advanced tab)

#gk-header {
    background: #fff url("../images/your_image.png") no-repeat;

and upload your images into MeetGavernWP/images directory.

ghost commented 10 years ago

This works, thanks. But now my image is not responsive. When I resize browser window, the picture remains the same size

piotrkunicki commented 10 years ago

Add also this CSS property to your #gk-header:

background-size: cover;
ghost commented 10 years ago

Awesome! The last question, how to change the big header font size on home page?

piotrkunicki commented 10 years ago

Add this code into override.css:

.gk-big-header {
    font-size: 70px;