GavickPro / News-Show-Pro-GK5

Advanced Joomla! content module.
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Information Block disappear with edited articles #281

Closed seadas71 closed 9 years ago

seadas71 commented 9 years ago

Hi guys I'm using News Show Pro Gk5 1.82 I've this issue. Scenario is this I've created module and choose "data source" and I saw all perfect...but if edit something on item or articles Data disappear If I open articles to full page data is displayed...only in NSP Gk5 is not shown...but only if I edit articles Even article Preview disappear What' up? Thanks

dziudek commented 9 years ago


Which date is selected in the ordering and how is set the article ordering (DESC or ASC)? The missing articles appeared later in the module again?

seadas71 commented 9 years ago

Hi .. first thing thanks for answer! In this situation, I dont modify nothing about ordening article (desc or ASC). Only thing that I do is modify article (item) of source category (both kind of category...joomla or k2) To explain me better, please see attachment this before modify article nsp-gk5-premodifica

this is what I see after modify...only article modified or new has this problem nsk-gk5 postmodifica

Thank you very much

dziudek commented 9 years ago

It seems that your WYSIWYG editor removes the HTML5 tags which are used to display these parts - please try to use the "None" editor in the back-end.

seadas71 commented 9 years ago

Hi. nothing to do With option "no editor" problem still continue. :(

dziudek commented 9 years ago

But did you checked the syntax after changing the editor? Because wrong syntax could be stored earlier.

seadas71 commented 9 years ago

No because I've this issue if I modify article name only or if I create a new one in Category on data source. To test this I've created a new article with option "no editor" in this case i've a blank article..just name...and issue still continue :( Seems that problem is when there is a "save"

dziudek commented 9 years ago

But do you know that the data block is generated from the info block structure inside the article not from their date in Joomla?

seadas71 commented 9 years ago

o_O Oh my god You mean that Data block are generated from article? I tested this...when I delete this string (for example) "Date: 02 June 2015 - 03 June 2015 7:00 am - 6:00 pm" Date block disappear here we go? :D If yes..there's another question at this point (tell me if I may open another topic or not) How I can create events?

dziudek commented 9 years ago

Please ask next questions at our official support forum: because it is definitely not connected with this free module.

seadas71 commented 9 years ago

Thank you! :)