GavickPro / News-Show-Pro-GK5

Advanced Joomla! content module.
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Module style modifications #282

Closed sirdna closed 9 years ago

sirdna commented 9 years ago


We have local city news portal which is build using your news module, we want to make some modifaction:

  1. comments near link articles
  2. comment styling modification

I dont want to waste your time just like that, it is a "busines propoasal", i would be glad if you charge money for help, which is realy interensting to you as programmer.

Modification i think are not complicated, but i think I wont solve It via forum, because of "details"

If you could provide me with your e-mail, (answering to this post) i would like send you site name, ftp, cpanel paswords, joomla admin and image how i want it to look like, so maybe you could help me..?

Please dont say no:)

P.S. Great module

dziudek commented 9 years ago


Please provide an URL to your website and visualization what do you want to achieve. If it will be easy to implement I will provide you solution here - in other case, unfortunately we are too busy for more complex custom works currently.

sirdna commented 9 years ago


  1. Here is our site local city news portal
  2. I uploud image with "How I would like to have" and "How we have know" sample.jpg
  3. Basicly we would like to have cooments in brackets and link comments, and cooments must at the end of title, and if there is no cooments, we would not like to show zere, i hope image could get good understanding what is our goal.
  4. Fell free to charge money, if it is not 5 min job sample

Anyway thanks for module, it helped our site look more like news portal

dziudek commented 9 years ago

You can put your comments in the brackets by changing the following code:

                $info_comments = JText::_('MOD_NEWS_PRO_GK5_NO_COMMENTS');
                if(isset($item['comments'])) { 
                    if($item['comments'] == 1) {
                        $info_comments = JText::_('MOD_NEWS_PRO_GK5_1COMMENT');
                    } else if($item['comments'] > 1 && $item['comments'] < 5) {
                        $info_comments = $item['comments'] . ' ' . JText::_('MOD_NEWS_PRO_GK5_MORECOMMENTS');
                    } else if($item['comments'] >= 5) {
                        $info_comments = $item['comments'] . ' ' . JText::_('MOD_NEWS_PRO_GK5_MUCHMORECOMMENTS');


                      $info_comments = '';
                if(isset($item['comments'])) { 
                    if($item['comments'] == 1) {
                        $info_comments = '(1)';
                    } else if($item['comments'] > 1 && $item['comments'] < 5) {
                        $info_comments = '('.$item['comments'].')';
                    } else if($item['comments'] >= 5) {
                        $info_comments = '(' . $item['comments'] .')';

in the mod_news_pro_gk5/tmpl/com_content/view.php file (or mod_news_pro_gk5/tmpl/com_k2/view.php file if you are using K2).

Regarding the comments counters in the links - unfortunately it is a more complex custom work and I'm too busy to do it.