GavickPro / News-Show-Pro-GK5

Advanced Joomla! content module.
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news show gk5 error no articles to display #365

Open vincent2459 opened 8 years ago

vincent2459 commented 8 years ago

Hello i want to display articles with news show gk 5, for an an agenda,, but then dont appears and i got this message

error: no articles to display

i move the time offset and it s not work....

what is the probleme... the module display the old articles, but not the articles to come

i am in joomla 3

thanks you for answer and pardon for my english...

dziudek commented 8 years ago


Please check your offset, date offset, time offset, show featured items and show featured items only options.

vincent2459 commented 8 years ago

hello my server is at 1and1

how made for know hte date offset, time offset ?

thx for the answer

dziudek commented 8 years ago

Date should be empty in the best case and regarding time offset - please try to set -12 and if it won't help then +12 to analyze in which direction goes the difference between server time and joomla time.

vincent2459 commented 8 years ago

hello and agin, thanks for the answer an hte time passed for my problem...

i try all the offset -12 to + 12 and it s always the same.

if you want i can give you an access

vincent2459 commented 8 years ago

in my php info i have

date date/time support enabled "Olson" Timezone Database Version 2016.3 Timezone Database internal Default timezone UTC

and all is in utc in joomla, and parameters by default for the user

vincent2459 commented 8 years ago

and i want to see that, i create an article in joomla and normally show the date of creation and the hour, but for me only the date is on, the hour not present.

dziudek commented 8 years ago

Please send me your access data to dziudek[at]gmail[dot]com - I will look deeply at your issue at evening :)

vincent2459 commented 8 years ago

hello it ok i send you a mail

i install another joomla 3 in the same server in 1and1 and i install news show pro for looking if the problem appears...and i give an answer when all it's ok.

say me if you have the mail.... the expeditor is vezere informatique


dziudek commented 8 years ago

Sorry but I didn't get your e-mail even in spam :/

vincent2459 commented 8 years ago

ok, i creat a user

i install a joomla 3 in the same server and i install news show pro and i try....for see if it s my joomla hs or not.

i give you an answer....

when i create an article in joomla the date of creation is 2016-06-29 13:33:43

but i create it in 2016-06-29 15.33.43

there is an error.

i test with offset -2 it 's the same error and with offset +2 and the problem is the same, perhaps this strange hour give you a soluce.


vincent2459 commented 8 years ago

look your mail, i send you another mail

vincent2459 commented 8 years ago

with my new install of joomla, i have the same problem

when i create an article in joomla the date of creation is 2016-06-29 13:33:43

but i create it in 2016-06-29 15.33.43

there is an error.

i test with offset -2 it 's the same error and with offset +2 and the problem is the same, perhaps this strange hour give you a soluce.


dziudek commented 8 years ago

I've got your access data - I will use it tonight to check the issue.

dziudek commented 8 years ago

@vincent2459 - now I see that you have sent me a login and password but I do not have the domain so I do not know where to use it.

vincent2459 commented 8 years ago

i send you a mail without the domain and one with the domain

its here

vincent2459 commented 8 years ago

hello i try to install joomla 3.4 it s the same problem

vincent2459 commented 8 years ago

is it possible to send me an old version of news show pro for test? in my joomla 3.5 and 3.4

dziudek commented 8 years ago

Here you can find all older releases from the last time:

vincent2459 commented 8 years ago

if you want you have the name of the domain in another post and le login paswword in your mail. thanks

dziudek commented 8 years ago

@vincent2459 - sorry but I cannot log in to your back-end with the provided access data from google drive.

vincent2459 commented 8 years ago

hello, i try the id and pwd, it s ok

there is a majuscule on the first letter in the pwd.


dziudek commented 8 years ago

I had to put the password manually - then it works.

Regarding the issue - in my opinion you have wrongly set data source - please make sure that you have selected a category in joomla which contains articles. Because in the Agenda module you have selected an empty category as a data source.

vincent2459 commented 8 years ago

hello, thanks, if i put an article with 29 july date, in the evenments a venir catgory, i have error no articles to display

dziudek commented 8 years ago

As I see you have put "Début de publication" 29 july as a value - what means that article will be visible after 4 weeks. I've changed it to 29 june and now the article is visible.

apradoc commented 7 years ago

Thanks @dziudek. Yesterday I set the server time as Caracas (-4) and my hosting provider is in Austin (-5) so the difference to configure the module was +1. But today it stopped working and I had to configure the module to +12. Excellent development. Thank you

martinwhyte commented 7 years ago


After installing News Show Pro GK5, i outputs "Error: No articles to display" i've set the offset starting ranging from -12 to +12 and still the same error. im trying to use it for Easy Blog. But i noticed when i run the site on XAMPP on my local host, News Show Pro GK5 works fine but once i upload it on a live server, it reads "Error: No articles to display"! pls how do i sort this out?

ListOrSwap commented 7 years ago

I am having the same problem, except.. I have two modules, one for one category and another, for another category. The one category displays everything that is under it.. However, the other module and category shows the error (No article to display). If I change the category on the K2 item, then it populates on the other module..

Does anyone have any idea why?

Thank you so much in advance!

Kyle, with a smile :)