Open GayatriDunakhe opened 2 years ago
How can i achive this both curve in my flutter application I try to do but I endup with so weird results...
This is imge with I want to achive
And this is my stating code-
ClipPath( clipper: BackgroudCliper(), child: Container( height: 200, color: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.20), ), ), class BackgroudCliper extends CustomClipper<Path>{ @override Path getClip(Size size) { var path = Path(); path.lineTo(0.0, size.height); path.lineTo(size.width, size.height); path.quadraticBezierTo(size.width / 20, size.height / 20, 0, size.height); path.close(); return path; } @override bool shouldReclip(covariant CustomClipper<Path> oldClipper) => false; }
How can i achive this both curve in my flutter application I try to do but I endup with so weird results...
This is imge with I want to achive
And this is my stating code-