Gbox4 / tstock

📈A command line tool to view stock charts in the terminal.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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tstock command returns "Error: The API did not return data." when using non-premium AlphaVantage api key #26

Open forestsmills opened 2 years ago

forestsmills commented 2 years ago

The simple command format tstock {stock name abbreviation} no longer works as AlphaVantage has made the TIME_SERIES_DAILYfunction premium only. The TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED function is not premium only and works fine as far as i can tell.

To make tstock use TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED change line 148 of from api_function = 'TIME_SERIES_DAILY' to api_function = 'TIME_SERIES_DAILY_ADJUSTED'

vincedchart commented 1 month ago

pursuant to the settings, my test request to the following url with my true api key :

got the result:

{ "Information": "Thank you for using Alpha Vantage! This is a premium endpoint. You may subscribe to any of the premium plans at to instantly unlock all premium endpoints" }

So I'm seeing that Error that you described, again. Any fix?

used tstock -t week instead