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Cmd V direct exe launch #452

Closed williamcorney closed 10 months ago

williamcorney commented 10 months ago

Environment (please complete the following information):

Describe the bug

If I try to launch audio gridder, then attempt to load a library within a VST , it fails at the point i click the library I want to load

HOWEVER if I launch audiogridder.exe from a command line option it works correctly. By command line I mean when you choose the command line option in the wine wrapper

I have noticed similar behaviour in other instances such as wineasio being recognised in the VST ( or not ) depending how I launched the VST.

It’s as if the command line has higher permissions than launching the program exe directly

the only workaround I have found for now is launching a cmd , then running a batch file within cmd to launch the exe . I have to keep the cmd instance open , which makes sense as the second process is spawned from cmd so is dependant on it

To Reproduce

create a wrapper Install VST Install audio gridder ( windows plugin ) Install audio gridder (mac plug-in on host pc ) Launch Logic Pro and select audio gridder plugin select the VST Try to load a sample library within the VST Audio gridder reboots

Expected behavior

Audio gridder able to load patch without closing and reopening , in ‘ normal mode’ . By normal I mean that the audio gridder server instance is started by clicking the .app on gosh which triggers the configured exe to run, Screenshots


Additional context

Incorrectly filled out issues will be close without notice!

williamcorney commented 10 months ago

Ok I had a brainwave and tried installing the wine trick cmd and this resolved the problem :). This issue has been bugging me for weeks so glad to finally put it to bed


I've got this working very nicely now.


@ECHO off :start cls ECHO. ECHO 1. VST ECHO 2. Audiogridder set choice= set /p choice=Select an option: if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1% if '%choice%'=='1' goto opt1 if '%choice%'=='2' goto opt2

ECHO "%choice%" is not valid, try again goto start ECHO. goto start :opt1 "C:/Program Files/Path/tovst.exe"

goto start :opt2 "C:/Program Files/AudioGridderServer/AudioGridderServer.exe"

goto start

:end pause