Gcenx / WineskinServer

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Broken on Monterrey? There seems to be no drive_c folder #536

Closed urraka closed 3 months ago

urraka commented 5 months ago


What I did

  1. Installed brew (clean install on a new user)
  2. Installed Wineskin as explained in README (brew install --cask --no-quarantine gcenx/wine/wineskin)
  3. Installed engine
  4. Installed wrapper (update button)
  5. Created new blank wrapper

Problem I can launch the Wineskin utility but nothing works. On the advanced options none of the windows utilities work (cmd, control panel, etc). Inspecting the folders I found there is a drive_c symlink but it points to a non-existing directory. Could not find the real drive_c folder anywhere. Symlink points to ./Contents/SharedSupport/prefix/drive_c. There's no prefix folder under SharedSupport. No drive_c in Resources folder either.

Any help appreciated!

Gcenx commented 5 months ago

The current wrapper sometimes the wrapper is generated without issue & sometimes it fails.

I’ve resolved this issue for the next update.

urraka commented 5 months ago

I see, thanks for the quick reply! Anything I can do to work around the issue manually?

I'll probably have to resort to a VM. I've been given 1 day to make some windows software work on OSX and I don't even know if it runs with Wineskin yet. Still, if there's anything I can try to get this running I'll do it, so I'll be very grateful for any tips! Like.. any way to try a previous version?

Gcenx commented 5 months ago

Run WineskinLauncher via terminal with the following command


That should get you a working wrapper, might take two launches to complete.

I'll probably have to resort to a VM

That might be the safest option right now as there’s no guarantee the software will work with wine, as you have so little time.

urraka commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the tip! The software didn't work in the end (some error during the install) but at least I managed to get the wrapper going and give it a try.

I didn't see the WineskinLauncher binary the first time so I tried.. I think it was Wineskin WSS-wineboot, which failed saying it couldn't find WineskinLauncher although it was there, except all lowercase. Figured I would mention this in case it matters.

I used VirtualBox with a tiny10 image to get the software running. Not as good as the native experience but works just fine. Thanks again for the quick help!

Gcenx commented 5 months ago

Yeah not everything works out of box and it can be a pita to get things working in wine sometimes and with a time crunch it’s even worse.

At least you gotten the app working.

As for Wineskin itself, I’ve managed to resolve most of the current weirdness so it always generates a viable wrapper. I’m waiting for another member to review the bugged function so I can have that enabled again.

Unlike other even recent projects I’ve been mostly a one man army.

FunkyFr3sh commented 4 months ago

I got the issue too, do you need some testers for the new release?

BTW, this only happens with WS11WineCX64Bit23* and not with the older ones (22 and below are fine)

Gcenx commented 4 months ago

@FunkyFr3sh this (and some other bugs) should already be resolved by using #530 and it’s Engines.

FunkyFr3sh commented 4 months ago

@FunkyFr3sh this (and some other bugs) should already be resolved by using #530 and it’s Engines.

Just tested, still the same error:




Gcenx commented 4 months ago

@FunkyFr3sh I have a feeling there some stuck processes on your end, on a cleanly rebooted system I’ve not seen this happen (M3 Max macOS Sonoma)

FunkyFr3sh commented 4 months ago

Tried after reboot, still the same


Gcenx commented 4 months ago

Please ensure /tmp is also cleared out

FunkyFr3sh commented 4 months ago

Please ensure /tmp is also cleared out

How exactly would I do that? I'm not really the biggest macOS expert (I only use it to build wineskin wrappers)

Edit: Tried to google and only found ways to clear it via command line, not sure if there's a proper way to do it?

Cleared manually via command line: /tmp /var/tmp /private/var/tmp $TMPDIR

Still not working

Gcenx commented 4 months ago

Is that an Intel Mac or an Apple Silicon Mac?

FunkyFr3sh commented 4 months ago

OS: Monterey 12.0.1 Winery version: and (brew gcenx/wine/wineskin-devel) Master Wrapper version: Wineskin- and Wineskin- Engine version: All 23* versions - both WS11 and WS12 Hardware: VMware Workstation 15 Player

All old Engines are working fine (Been using it for months without a single failure) - All 23* fail (Faulty drive_c)

Gcenx commented 4 months ago

@FunkyFr3sh PaulTheTall still owns an Intel Mac that’s running macOS Catalina. image

Looks like the issue your seeing is somehow related to being ran inside a VM, I know this has happened before and Brendan fixed it but I’ve not been testing wine inside a VM since moving to Apple Silicon.

FunkyFr3sh commented 4 months ago

@FunkyFr3sh PaulTheTall still owns an Intel Mac that’s running macOS Catalina. image

Looks like the issue your seeing is somehow related to being ran inside a VM, I know this has happened before and Brendan fixed it but I’ve not been testing wine inside a VM since moving to Apple Silicon.

Ah oh well.. It's not a big deal for now, I can just continue to use the older engines. But if you happen to have a test build or something then just @ mention me and I'll test. Thanks!