Gcenx / macOS_Wine_builds

Official Winehq macOS Packages
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Unimplemented function cryptnet.dll.I_CryptNetIsConnected #58

Closed santiagoerueda closed 1 year ago

santiagoerueda commented 1 year ago

Hello! First of all, thank you very much for all your work, using wine-crossover I was able to make my application developed for Windows work on a MacOS Monterrey.

Although it took a bit to get everything configured correctly, I was able to do it and it works excellent, I just need to correct an error:

"Call from XXXXXX to unimplemented function cryptnet.dll.I_CryptNetIsConnected"

This occurs when trying to encrypt a SOAP message using a p12/pfx certificate.

I tried several things but I couldn't solve it, can you think of something?

Thanks again!

(Translated with Google Translator)

Gcenx commented 1 year ago

This repository is only for the official wine-stable, wine-devel & wine-staging hosted here and installed using homebrew cask system.