GeSHi / geshi-1.0

Original version of Generic Syntax Highlighter for PHP
GNU General Public License v2.0
168 stars 101 forks source link

Updating build-ins in Julia #143

Open mbeltagy opened 2 years ago

mbeltagy commented 2 years ago

The language has expanded considerably this file was constructed... also lots of things have disappeared, like cell etc. This was constructed by invoking:

julia> [names(Core);names(Base)] .|> String |> x->filter(z->occursin(r"^[A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9]+",z),x) |> x->join(["'$y'" for y in x],", ") |> x-> replace(x,r"(.{30,75},)\s"=>SubstitutionString(" "^12*"\\1\\n"))|> clipboard