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Random Character Freezes / Other Problems #10

Closed ShortyShorts closed 1 year ago

ShortyShorts commented 2 years ago

I encountered some weird character freezes. Basically whenever i'm doing cutscenes, or paths - my character suddenly freezes and can't move - and i need to restart LDYOM. Sometimes when i press Shift + 1 to make [!] the game turns black screen. You can't do any mission, because appearantly you need Character Appearance node to work, mine does not work, whenever i put it in mission and stick it with other nodes it says that LDYOM encountered a problem and mission will break so i need to type some cheatcode to get back in to the editor, to check what's wrong. I tried other actor / ped appearance nodes but it just doesn't want to play anims. I showed pictures of that mission in my previous issue. Next thing - cutscenes are absolutely mess, it should be more easier to control, also I have vertical controls idk why (Down is UP and UP is down for some reason). Mission also can crash, when i do Actor Appearance and "Show Actor" (other show actor nodes) together (it just triggers black screen, whenever i want to play the mission). Also - don't delete mission from the folder Mission Packs! Delete your missions straight from LDYOM, because if not then you'll experience big crash if you'll try to load it (idk why its still visible there after deletion). Those are my next issues. Thanks!

[EDIT] 17 November 09:33 AM - Actually sometimes also I can't move any button, so i'm prompted to leave the game.

ShortyShorts commented 2 years ago

Also, don't ever use LDYOM with DYOM. First - DYOM will crash if you'll try after launching the game - opening it. You first need to open LDYOM by Skic and then normal DYOM. And in normal DYOM and in singleplayer LDYOM UI (when we press U) appear. Another bad glitches that didn't get fixed since the first version :(