GearsProgress / Poke_Transporter_GB

A Pokémon Generation I/II to Generation III transfer tool
MIT License
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Held items, italian support and DVs conversion #19

Open Halfshadow opened 2 months ago

Halfshadow commented 2 months ago

Hi, I'm in hype to use your tool, because I can't yet considering that I don't own not even one english GBA cart.

Then I hope you will a day release a patch to use with international releases.

Another questione would be allow to transfer items from GEN II and I considering that in II are automatically converted, should be possible transfer these from GEN I too, also if in GEN I were born like a catch rate.

If some items are not existing in GEN III roms or are mails, I think will be enough an error text that ask to remove these items before continue like the PalPark transfers for HM moves.

And convert items that are very closer in GEN III, like the berries that are named different and some are a bit different, like Mistery Berry that isn't very closer to Leppa Berry, but almost...

And about DVs, considering that the max in GEN I/II were 15 and in GEN III 31... I think the best should be simply double to make the easy way... I think instead that reset the EVs is necessary considering that unfortunately since GEN III is impossible maximise all stats like in GEN II... Otherwise calculate the exceed balancing then with 85 for each EV... The best that could be done.

Then I hope to begin the italian support, I would appreciate it. Thanks for now. :+1:

GearsProgress commented 2 months ago

Hello!! International releases are currently in development and should be the next major release! As far as items go- that's an interesting idea. There is precedent for transferring items since they stay between Gen 3 and 4, but it depends on how many items just don't exist in Gen 3. And for the DVs and EVs- I am planning on having a formula and a few different options for converting them between Gen 1/2 and 3, but that'll come after the languages are finished :)

Halfshadow commented 2 months ago

Thank you. Re thinking about DVs and EVs I have another idea, perhaps could be transfered also if all the stats are maxed. Consider that with the pokesav is possible max all stats and a PKM file supports all the stats maxed, but isn't normally possible collect more to 510 EVS, like the max pokémon level is 100 but could be supported up to 255, there is only a limit... Perhaps you could allow the players to choose if clear the EVS during the operation or convert from the GB ones without lose the max for every stats... If you agree.

epicponedg117 commented 1 month ago

The main problem with a simple conversion of DVs (such as if DV is 15, set IV to 31) is that in genI/II DVs are mostly random while in genIII IVs are determined by the OT's secret ID and the PID, both of which don't exist in genI,II. This causes certain IV and nature combinations to be impossible. This is especially true for Special Attack and Special Defense which are linked due to genI only having the Special stat, and HP DV is determined from a formula based on the other 4 DVs.

Halfshadow commented 1 month ago

Ok, but the nature wasn't existing in GEN I and II then could be generated by the IVs or not? As example, a Red Gyarados from the Lake of rage, would be 28/20/20/20/20/20.

And then basing on this, the nature could be random from caompatible with PID/SID and other stuff.

Another solution would be make a "random" IVs stat from the DV. Instead of convert everytime the 14 DV to 28 IV, could be converted in a range from 27 to 28. The same for the next DV, instead of 20 IV everytime, could be 19 too. Not exactly a doubling the DV strictly. And then, a 15 DV could be instead converted to a 31 IV, also if rarely.