GedMarc / layout

jQuery UI Layout v1.x plugin
54 stars 24 forks source link

Updated docs site? #3

Open brian428 opened 6 years ago

brian428 commented 6 years ago

Is there an updated version of the docs site that goes along with this fork? This forum post seems to indicate that Kevin had granted update rights, but I'm not finding any updated docs or merges into the official repo.

GedMarc commented 6 years ago

Hi Brian,

Indeed I am supposed to!, for now the demo's have been updated but I really should jump on this now :) Thing is its part of a much larger operation so I've been pushing it back for quite a while now,

The actual docs are still at

In a a quick nut shell though - the new properties are for responsiveness and the default values are applied for bootstrap 4. The sizes are modifiable for bootstrap 3 or the ui-layout-grid sizes or any other grid layout with their own sizes

  , responsive:
                        enabled: false,
                        when: 'md'
                        , sizes: {
                            xl: 1140,
                            lg: 992,
                            md: 768,
                            sm: 576,
                            xs: 0


  "defaults": {
    "responsive": {
      "enabled": true,
      "when": "md",
      "sizes": {
        "md": 480
    "resizable": false,
    "resizerClass": "btn-custom btn-primary",
    "togglerClass": "btn-custom btn-secondary",
    "spacing_closed": 0,
    "spacing_open": 0,
    "onresizeall_end": $.layout.callbacks.resizeJQuery
  "west": {
    "responsive": {
      "enabled": true,
      "when": "sm",
      "sizes": {
        "sm": 240
    "minSize": 240,
    "maxSize": 240
  "north": {
    "responsive": {
      "enabled": false,

    "resizable": false,
    "minSize": 68,
    "maxSize": 68,
    "togglerLength_open": 200,
    "togglerLength_closed": 200
solodyagin commented 5 years ago

Hi! May be "demos" directory rename to "docs" and place on GitHub Pages ( ), or commit into "gh-pages" branch as ?

P.S. sorry for my English

GedMarc commented 5 years ago

@solodyagin I'll have to research this :)