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User Search API #134

Open tgrigoruk opened 4 months ago

tgrigoruk commented 4 months ago

A user can search for other users using various filters (query params)

GET /api/v1/user/?name="Clark Kent"&location="Sometown, Canada"&degree=2&interests="Star Wars, Comics, Anime"

FoRVaiS commented 4 months ago

The "Search Users" page needs the following data:

The following endpoints need to be implemented (if not already):

GET /interests - Get a list of ALL interests (id, text)

    id: 1,
    text: 'Star Wars',
    id: 2,
    text: 'Star Trek',
  // ...

GET /user?interests=<string[]> - Get a list of users by interests

// GET /user?interests=Star%20Trek%2CDocker%20Who
// interests = "Star Trek,Doctor Who" -- Trimmed tag names, only separated by a single comma
    id: 3,
    displayName: 'Alicia',
    about: 'I am another generic person.',
    twitter: '@alicia_smith',
    // interests: [   -- Not shown in response, demo purposes only
    //   { id: 2, text: 'Star Trek' },
    //   { id: 12, text: 'Docker Who' },
    //   { id: 4, text: 'Lord of the Rings' },
    // ]
    id: 5,
    displayName: 'The Bard',
    about: 'I am a famous playwright',
    instagram: 'william.shakespeare',
    // interests: [
    //   { id: 2, text: 'Star Trek' },
    //   { id: 12, text: 'Docker Who' },
    // ]


GET ??? - Get a list of ALL locations (Dropdown option; See [2] on #159)

We need to make some decisions about locations: #160

    city: 'Vancouver', 
    province: 'BC',

GET /user?country=<string>&province=<string>&city=<string> - Get a list of users by location

We need to make some decisions about locations: #160

// GET /user?city=Vancouver&province=BC
    id: 3,
    // city: 'Vancouver',  -- Not shown in response, demo purposes only
    // province: 'BC',  -- Not shown in response, demo purposes only
    displayName: 'Alicia',
    about: 'I am another generic person.',
    twitter: '@alicia_smith',
    id: 5,
    // city: 'Vancouver',
    // province: 'BC',
    displayName: 'The Bard',
    about: 'I am a famous playwright',
    instagram: 'william.shakespeare',

GET /user?name=<string> - Get a list of users by name

// GET /user?name=alicia
    id: 3,
    displayName: 'Alicia',
    about: 'I am another generic person.',
    twitter: '@alicia_smith',

GET /item? QUERIES TBD - Get a list of items by a set of criterion

tgrigoruk commented 4 months ago

(note: "Interests" is a fronted descriptor, to generalize we'll call them [User | Item] Tags)

I think we could just do a single GET endpoint that will accept any combination of query parameters (name, location*, tags). (location TBD in #160 ).

Let's ignore degree for now - too complicated.

See #157 for response data fields (required to populate User Cards).

FoRVaiS commented 3 months ago

Updated documentation to add GET /item