Created FriendsList page: this renders a list of friends; includes a functional search bar
Created a useFetchAndFilter hook: a reusable hook that we can use to fetch data; used in FriendsList
Added animated loading icon
Added "No friends found" text
Testing Notes
Email icon will trigger a message in the console log, but current does nothing else
"i" icon is a placeholder for a social media icon; currently does nothing
We may want to add additional error-checking. Right now, if there's an error, the user will receive the "No friends found"; we may want to add a network error message.
"No Friends Found" will look as follows:
Note: Cannot use deploy link, because the test page must be navigated to manually, via the address bar
Navigate to frontend folder; open a terminal at this location
page: this renders a list of friends; includes a functional search baruseFetchAndFilter
hook: a reusable hook that we can use to fetch data; used inFriendsList
Testing Notes
"No Friends Found" will look as follows:
Note: Cannot use deploy link, because the test page must be navigated to manually, via the address bar
folder; open a terminal at this locationnpm run start:dev