Geek-in-Training / Firefox-Addon-Bar--Restored

Adds back the addon bar to Firefox with the new Australis theme (Firefox 29 and up).
MIT License
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I can't get other add-ons out of the bar. #10

Closed sam-baker closed 10 years ago

sam-baker commented 10 years ago

I am using the typegauge plugin, which installs an icon in the status bar, which is gone now. Installed your addon and was able to finally see the typegauge icon. I tried moving the icon to the current add-on bar, but it still seems like it's inside of your new bar. If I disable your bar, the icon goes away.

Is there a way to move an icon out of your bar into the built-in bar? Or am I missing something obvious?

Geek-in-Training commented 10 years ago

Well, not terribly obvious. A little background: Any Firefox version less than 4.0 had what was called the status-bar. It displayed, well, status things, such as a progress bar, and it used to show you where a link you were hovering over would go to if you clicked on it. So back then, when you made an addon, you could add stuff into the status-bar for easy access. So you would write fancy computer code that basically says: [add "myStatusThing" to "status-bar"].

Enter Firefox 4.0

Now there was no more status bar, and they added the addon bar in its place. But, so that old addons would still be compatible, they added a sub-bar, or a section of the addon bar, and named it "status-bar" so that these old addons would still work. This "sub-bar" and its contents could not be moved anywhere, they just sat on the addon bar's far right.

Enter Firefox 29

No more addon bar, or it's status-bar "sub-bar". Any addon that tries to put anything in the addon bar now moves into the navigation bar, unless it is too big. The status-bar still exists, but it is hidden, and so anything inside of it is also hidden.

Enter The Addon Bar (Restored)

So now with this addon I can move the old status-bar into my new addon bar, and I can make the whole bar movable. But not each item inside of it.

Hope that makes sense, it is a little hard to explain clearly without explaining how the code itself works.

Geek-in-Training commented 10 years ago

In Short: Yes, it is in a way "inside" The Addon Bar (Restored), because the status bar is hidden by default, you can't see it even if you move it off the addon bar if you have it disabled.