Geek-in-Training / Firefox-Addon-Bar--Restored

Adds back the addon bar to Firefox with the new Australis theme (Firefox 29 and up).
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Icons on the Addon Bar are now on the left side. Why? #6

Closed roseuz closed 10 years ago

roseuz commented 10 years ago

Icons on the addon bar are now on the left side. Why? They were on the right side. I have version 3.2 installed of the addon bar.

Geek-in-Training commented 10 years ago

Did you have a beta version installed? ( Upgrading from either 3.2a or 3.2b is known to cause this problem.)

To fix it is pretty simple; just enter customize mode and drag-and-drop a flexible space to where you want it. Another option would be to install a earlier version again (such as 3.1) and then install the latest version.

roseuz commented 10 years ago

My browser crashed on it's own. I reopened it and the icons were to the left. I see that for the addon, that it was updated on May 8, 2014, so it looks like it got updated when I reopened the browser. Also, dragging the set of icons to the right is not working in Customize mode. The icons don't stick on that side. I can drag them there, but when I let go of the mouse, they are back on the left side. Like I said, they don't stick there.

Geek-in-Training commented 10 years ago

Oh, okay. To fix it, add a flexible space to the addon bar. screenshot from 2014-05-08 22 15 17 Then you should be able to move them and have them stay put.

roseuz commented 10 years ago

O.k. Thank you. That worked. I wish I could remember if the x was on the left or right. It seems like it's only added on for this app, as when I search online for pictures of the status bar in Firefox, I see no x. I also see that in your screenshots, the x is on the left.

Geek-in-Training commented 10 years ago

Good! Glad to hear it worked. Try searching for the addon bar instead of the status bar, you'll probably find pictures with it then.