GeekMagicClock / smalltv-pro

PRO version of GeekMagic smalltv
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Please create hardware version with ESP32-S3 or at least PSRAM :) + USB serial pins connected #44

Open clowrey opened 2 months ago

clowrey commented 2 months ago

A version with the PSRAM would be amazing for ESPhome + Home Assistant uses :) ESPhome LVGL component uses allot of ram so cannot easily run without PSRAM. If you can also use the S3 module it has built in USB transceiver so could have USB programming and debugging for DIY uses would be really nice :) maybe then you could release some simple open source firmware, or just let the community create it which they will have no problem doing, it has already been done on current versions.

If you wanted a simpler method with NO PCB changes just using different ESP32 module there is now the new version ESP32-WROOM-32E-N8R2 which includes 2MB PSRAM in the same footprint etc, price is very similar too.. So could sell a version with that for a few more $$ and I would buy it.

GeekMagicClock commented 2 months ago

Hi, thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I'm gona to make it 16MB flash + 8MB PSRAM version, so people would make something without worry about poor little size of rom/ram.

The basic development of the project will be open source, there's many protential for you guys to do with it, expecting your creations.

clowrey commented 2 months ago

I can confirm that if you replace the ESP32 module with the ESP32-WROOM-32E-N8R2 version with 2MB PSRAM it will work with LVGL + ESPhome :) It is allot of work to replace the module though so I would recommend waiting for the DIY version.. My code is at the link below: geek_psram4

clowrey commented 2 months ago

@GeekMagicClock if you can make one with a touchscreen that would be really cool too ;) not sure how much that would add to the cost.. but would make it much more versatile. ESPhome already supports this common one:

GeekMagicClock commented 2 months ago

@GeekMagicClock if you can make one with a touchscreen that would be really cool too ;) not sure how much that would add to the cost.. but would make it much more versatile. ESPhome already supports this common one:

Yeah, touch version may will be future vesions. I have already made some samples without touch, should be soon to ready.

SirSharanChakradhar commented 2 days ago

@GeekMagicClock Thank you! Is the new version ready yet? When should we expect? Also, There is no information in the Internet about the hardware details at all. What are the hardware differences between Small tv, Pro and Ultra?