GeekMagicClock / smalltv-pro

PRO version of GeekMagic smalltv
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weather and time #60

Closed ArchangelV closed 1 month ago

ArchangelV commented 1 month ago

Hello, First off, I love this little device. Great job. Second, I am not in any manner a coder/programmer or the alike. I know enough to be dangerous so to speak. I updated the firmware all good there but my issue is that my time is 12 hours ahead and the weather will not change to deg F or actually show it.

I am located in EST and the city code is

I hope I explained this correctly, again I appreciate this device and your guidance.

GeekMagicClock commented 1 month ago

Hello, thanks for the report, I have test your citycode, is the the city Long Beach in New York? Now 8:30 am, seems correct here on my device.

ArchangelV commented 1 month ago

Yes correct city. It is showing it as pm on mine as well as time on clock. After noon local time it will show it is tomorrow. At least on the clock app. Weather on mine is not showing data beyond time.

On Mon, May 6, 2024, 8:31 AM GeekMagic @.***> wrote:

Hello, thanks for the report, I have test your citycode, is the the city Long Beach in New York? Now 8:30 am, seems correct here on my device.

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GeekMagicClock commented 1 month ago

OK, the time is automatically updated after the weather info is synced, but if failed to get weather, then the timezone is a default one, so the time is not correct. Let's focus on the weather info, have you changed the weather API key? Or if other apps work? Can the bitcoin or stock info updated?

ArchangelV commented 1 month ago

I appreciate you very much..

I didn't change the api data I only did the most recent firmware update. The crypto is working fine. Stocks Fine as well. Just the clock and weather seem to be at issue.

On Mon, May 6, 2024, 8:49 AM GeekMagic @.***> wrote:

OK, the time is automatically updated after the weather info is synced, but if failed to get weather, then the timezone is a default one, so the time is not correct. Let's focus on the weather info, have you changed the weather API key? Or if other apps work? Can the bitcoin or stock info updated?

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GeekMagicClock commented 1 month ago

Can you show me your settings on the web about weather options ?

ArchangelV commented 1 month ago

screen shot device 2.pdf screen shot device.pdf

the city code is
I tried a few local ones to see if it would pull.

GeekMagicClock commented 1 month ago

Hi, the code is 5122397, number only.

ArchangelV commented 1 month ago

works perfect now... thank you I appreciate your time and attention.