GeekMagicClock / smalltv

firmware for GeekMagic smalltv - smart weather station clock
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err key #26

Open fragolinux opened 3 months ago

fragolinux commented 3 months ago

i updated to latest 3.1.4 from 3.1.1, all good, until i put in my newly generated weather api key (valid...), then i get "err key" on top, and it even stopped updating the time using the ntp server... removing the api key once put in is not possible, so what to do? to get at least the time working, i had to click the "update" button near ntp server, but after every reboot it's gone again... for now i just factory resetted the device, put in just my city ID and wifi, and NO api key, and it started working again... so, what to do? thanks

GeekMagicClock commented 3 months ago

Hi, can you show your key here? The "err key" possibly means the key is invalid.

GeekMagicClock commented 3 months ago

If that is a new generated api key, it may take hours to take effect.