GeekMagicClock / smalltv

firmware for GeekMagic smalltv - smart weather station clock
44 stars 5 forks source link

Language file/translation request #28

Open ViBE-HU opened 3 months ago

ViBE-HU commented 3 months ago

I just bought one clock. And now I'm pretty interested cause I see it supports many languages. If it is possible to add custom languages or if there is a way to translate the UI to my language it would be good. I would like to do it. Is this possible? If yes please share the English source file.

mix127 commented 5 days ago

Mon = Pon T= Wto Wed=śro = Czw = Pią = Sob Sunday=Ndz

forecast = Prognoza or Prognoza Pogody

clouds = Chmury Sun = Słońce