GeekPress / WP-Quick-Install

WP Quick Install is the easiest way to install WordPress.
322 stars 172 forks source link

Project dead? #52

Open KoolPal opened 5 years ago

KoolPal commented 5 years ago


Is this project dead?

mubashirwaqar commented 4 years ago

i think so

baayfily commented 4 years ago


GuillaumeSorel commented 4 years ago

Sadly it works half. Downloads and installs WP files but can't access to Database.

Realmaker commented 4 years ago

The script is very nice. The problem why it does not work anymore are the spaces in the wp-config-sample.php file coming with the wordpress download.

So in the index.php in line 144: case: "wp_config" the script fills the config file with the information given in the form.

In line 164 it changes the table prefix: if ( '$table_prefix =' But there are two spaces before the =. In my sample file there is only one.

In the following lines all the define stuff is replaced. But f.e. define('WP_DEBUG', 'true'); does not exist in my german wp-config-sample.php, because of a space after the braket: define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );

If you now fix the script by inserting and removing the spaces, the config.php file can be created and the installation works.

The script is great and easy to understand, so customizing is very easy. Thanks to the author! It would be great to bring the project back to life.

GuillaumeSorel commented 4 years ago

Hi Realmaker and vielen Dank! we could fork this script into our Github account and bring this project back to life. I am not a developer but a lot of people can be interested with this tool. Any volunteer ?

allinappliadmin commented 4 years ago

@Realmaker could you share your index.php file? I tried to modify the script following your instructions but it failed during connection to the database.

Realmaker commented 4 years ago

@Dev-AllInAppli Unfortunately my index.php is modified more than bugfixing, because I built an WordPress Installer for my students with no need for the most requested fields. Just email, username, password and go. So i have to make the changes to the original index.php again. I am busy at the moment but if it is ok I can open a new project with the working code, referencing the author of the original project.

allinappliadmin commented 4 years ago

Ok I understand. I was also willing to open a new project on Github. Anyhow it will be useful to bring this script back to life. I hope you find time quickly ;-)

refreshwebAu commented 4 years ago

Thank you SO MUCH for your help realmaker! I spent hours stuck on this one!

Pls see my modded index file below... simply replace this in the wp-quick-install folder, and your installation will work, I promise.

refreshwebAu commented 4 years ago

All you need to do is replace line 164

if ( '$table_prefix =' == substr( $line, 0, 16 ) ) {

line 169 if ( ! preg_match( '/^define\( \'([A-Z_]+)\',([ ]+)/', $line, $match ) ) {

and line 180 $line = "define( 'WP_DEBUG', 'true');\r\n";

allinappliadmin commented 4 years ago

great job @refreshwebAu I've modified the index.php and tried and it works fine! thanks so much

allinappliadmin commented 4 years ago

the next question is where to host this fork to make it available again for the WP community. We would be proud and pleased to host it on our Git hub repository. What do you think?

refreshwebAu commented 4 years ago

It's a very cool and useful program, I use it A LOT!!! So I am very glad to have managed to get it working again. I'm not too savvy with Git forking, but if you let me know what to do I am more than happy to upload the working source files.

allinappliadmin commented 4 years ago

I havent' yet forked any projects. I'll need to have a look about how it works. I'll let you know.

MichaelHabib commented 4 years ago

It seems so. You might want to consider WP-CLI commands and/or


allinappliadmin commented 3 years ago

Make WP Quick Install great again! It's now active : see

gfexru commented 3 years ago

I forked the project and will develop further Check out WordPress quick install projects