GeekPress / WP-Quick-Install

WP Quick Install is the easiest way to install WordPress.
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Make the plugins field use commas instead of semicolons #7

Closed attackant closed 10 years ago

attackant commented 10 years ago

The auto install plugins do not get read from the data.ini file because they are currently supposed to use semicolons to separate them - the problem appears to be the semicolons are used in the data file to create comments. So the plugins are not being installed.

You could fix this very easily by using commas instead in and changing line 469 in index.php from:

$plugins     = explode( ";", $_POST['plugins'] );


$plugins     = explode( ",", $_POST['plugins'] );
GeekPress commented 10 years ago


In data.ini, you should use an array to insert plugins like this :

plugins[] = wordpress-seo plugins[] = rocket-lazy-load

attackant commented 10 years ago

Ok I will try that. Thank you!!