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Discord Link Generator & Tracker #555

Open jamesgeddes opened 2 years ago

jamesgeddes commented 2 years ago

What's your idea?

User story

As a member, I want to generate discord invite links so that I can invite others to the Geek.Zone discord server.

As Marketing Manager, I want to see which channels are most used so that we can focus our efforts.


Generator page

  1. Ask user to provide invite data
    • Channel title (Geek.Zone/Coventry Meetup Events, Geek.Zone/Chelmsford Facebook etc)
    • Channel URL (The page where the invite will be published)
    • Applicable Geek.Zone Districts (multi-select, minimum one)
    • Expiration (DateTime or never)
  2. Get invite link from Discord API
  3. Get invite Uses from Discord API
  4. Add invite data to records
  5. Provide the invite link to the user

Tracker page

Show all invite codes. List should be sortable by every column.





Code of Conduct

blackbird7958 commented 2 years ago

Just to expand on this: Discord gives us the option to allow anyone to create invite links, but anyone with this permission will be able to create permanent invites. We don't want to lose track of permanent invite links, as they may become publicly searchable.

The MVP solution to this issue should allow members to create invite links with a timed expiry no greater than 7 days, and not permanent links. Aggregation of usage stats and publish locations are bonuses, as they do not affect the security of the server.

jamesgeddes commented 2 years ago

What would be the down side to allowing any member to create a permanent link? For example, say someone wants to start a new weekly event and so wants to create a discord link to allow them to see how many people are joining discord via their event listing. Should they be allowed to create a permanent link? Alternatively, could we go with a half-way house and allow them to create a request for a permanent link, which can be approved by someone in the Marketing group, for example?

Ultimately, we want as many people as possible to join our Discord 😂