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Manage platform needs to be added #43

Open akramsarkis opened 5 days ago

akramsarkis commented 5 days ago

Figma :

We need to add to the media meta component the possibility to manage platforms

General - [ ] In the code there should be a configuration that allow to enable or not the platform management - If it is allowed all platform management including for the media must be there - If not so all related to platform should not be there - [ ] Add in the right of the Add media button a Settings icon ("Paramètres" : In french ) Screenshot 2024-10-18 at 11 40 53 - [ ] When clicking on the Settings icon there will be a page with a tab Platforms ( "Plate-formes": In french )
Platform listing **Design** Screenshot 2024-10-18 at 12 01 18 For now put a place holder for the image that is static - [ ] When being on the platform tab, the listing of platform with the below fields are showing: - ID - Name ( Nom in french) - Description ( Description in french ) - Number of medias ( Nombre de médias in french ) - [ ] We need filter by name, height and width ```` POST /api/v1/project/5/platforms HTTP/1.1 Host: origin: token: SFMyNTY.g2gDdAAAAARtAAAADGxvZ2luX2ZpZWxkc3QAAAABbQAAAAVlbWFpbG0AAAAfYS5zYXJraXMrdGVzdDVibG9nZGV2QGV3ZWV2LmNvbW0AAAARcHJvamVjdF9sb2dnZWRfaW5tAAAAGDY1YWUyYTg5MTM1MzE2MDAwNzlmNzI4Nm0AAAAKdG9rZW5fdHlwZW0AAAAGbm9ybWFsbQAAAAd1c2VyX2lkbQAAABg2NWIyMWY3ZjEzNTMxNjAwMDdiNmNjYzBuBgAbbGKQkgFiAAFRgA.g5e-UmR5VGMkRRyO_7I7uWVSPH7laQPI_NZEffyQqIw Bo: true Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 108 { "filters": [ { "key": "name", "value": "Platform002" } ] } ```` - [ ] Add a button to Add a platform ( Ajouter une plate-forme) **Get platforms endpoint** ```` POST /api/v1/project/5/platforms HTTP/1.1 Host: origin: token: SFMyNTY.g2gDdAAAAARtAAAADGxvZ2luX2ZpZWxkc3QAAAABbQAAAAVlbWFpbG0AAAAfYS5zYXJraXMrdGVzdDVibG9nZGV2QGV3ZWV2LmNvbW0AAAARcHJvamVjdF9sb2dnZWRfaW5tAAAAGDY1YWUyYTg5MTM1MzE2MDAwNzlmNzI4Nm0AAAAKdG9rZW5fdHlwZW0AAAAGbm9ybWFsbQAAAAd1c2VyX2lkbQAAABg2NWIyMWY3ZjEzNTMxNjAwMDdiNmNjYzBuBgAbbGKQkgFiAAFRgA.g5e-UmR5VGMkRRyO_7I7uWVSPH7laQPI_NZEffyQqIw Bo: true ````
Add platform **Don't use the add platform design, make it as a page wit the fields mentioned** - [ ] when clicking to add platform , a form opens with the below fields that are all required - Name: String - Description: Long string - Height ( Hauteur) : Int - Width ( Largeur): Int - [ ] When saving with all fields that are valid, there is a success message and you are redirected to the platform listing with the new one added - "The platform was added successfully" - "La plate-forme a été ajouté avec succès" - [ ] When you cancel, you are redirected to the listing that is not updated ```` POST /api/v1/project/5/platform HTTP/1.1 Host: origin: token: SFMyNTY.g2gDdAAAAARtAAAADGxvZ2luX2ZpZWxkc3QAAAABbQAAAAVlbWFpbG0AAAAfYS5zYXJraXMrdGVzdDVibG9nZGV2QGV3ZWV2LmNvbW0AAAARcHJvamVjdF9sb2dnZWRfaW5tAAAAGDY1YWUyYTg5MTM1MzE2MDAwNzlmNzI4Nm0AAAAKdG9rZW5fdHlwZW0AAAAGbm9ybWFsbQAAAAd1c2VyX2lkbQAAABg2NWIyMWY3ZjEzNTMxNjAwMDdiNmNjYzBuBgAbbGKQkgFiAAFRgA.g5e-UmR5VGMkRRyO_7I7uWVSPH7laQPI_NZEffyQqIw Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 86 { "description": "test", "height": 120, "name": "test", "width": 120 } ````
Edit platform **Don't use the add platform design, make it as a page wit the fields mentioned** - [ ] when clicking to one platform in the listing , a form opens with the below fields that are all required and prepopulated - Name - Description - Height - Width - [ ] When saving with all fields, there is a success message and you ar redirected to the platform listing with the platform updated - "The platform was updated successfully" - "La plate-forme a été mise á jour avec succès" - [ ] When you cancel, you are redirected to the listing that is not updated **Edit platform endpoint** ```` PUT /api/v1/project/5/platform/2 HTTP/1.1 Host: origin: token: SFMyNTY.g2gDdAAAAARtAAAADGxvZ2luX2ZpZWxkc3QAAAABbQAAAAVlbWFpbG0AAAAfYS5zYXJraXMrdGVzdDVibG9nZGV2QGV3ZWV2LmNvbW0AAAARcHJvamVjdF9sb2dnZWRfaW5tAAAAGDY1YWUyYTg5MTM1MzE2MDAwNzlmNzI4Nm0AAAAKdG9rZW5fdHlwZW0AAAAGbm9ybWFsbQAAAAd1c2VyX2lkbQAAABg2NWIyMWY3ZjEzNTMxNjAwMDdiNmNjYzBuBgAbbGKQkgFiAAFRgA.g5e-UmR5VGMkRRyO_7I7uWVSPH7laQPI_NZEffyQqIw Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 133 { "description": "This is a new platofrm for blogs updated", "height": "100", "name": "Platform002", "width": "100" } ````
Delete platform - [ ] When editing a platform there is a Delete option, if you click on it there is a confirmation message ( similar to the one for the media ) - Are you sure you want to delete this platform ?" - Etes vous sur de vouloir supprimer cette plate-forme? " - [ ] If you confirm ( "Confirm", "Confirmer" ) there is a success message and you are redirected to the listing with the platform deleted - "The platform was deleted successfully" - "La plate-forme a été supprimée avec succès" - If you cancel ("Cancel", "Annuler") the popup is closed - [ ] In case the platform is linked to media it should show a popup similar as for the media when you can't delete it - Note that I noticed that for the media in the number of content popup the article name is showing undefined ,please to fix it Screenshot 2024-10-18 at 12 05 52 **Delete platform endpoint** ```` DELETE /api/v1/project/5/platform/2 HTTP/1.1 Host: origin: token: SFMyNTY.g2gDdAAAAARtAAAADGxvZ2luX2ZpZWxkc3QAAAABbQAAAAVlbWFpbG0AAAAfYS5zYXJraXMrdGVzdDVibG9nZGV2QGV3ZWV2LmNvbW0AAAARcHJvamVjdF9sb2dnZWRfaW5tAAAAGDY1YWUyYTg5MTM1MzE2MDAwNzlmNzI4Nm0AAAAKdG9rZW5fdHlwZW0AAAAGbm9ybWFsbQAAAAd1c2VyX2lkbQAAABg2NWIyMWY3ZjEzNTMxNjAwMDdiNmNjYzBuBgAbbGKQkgFiAAFRgA.g5e-UmR5VGMkRRyO_7I7uWVSPH7laQPI_NZEffyQqIw ````

Acceptance testing

General - [ ] In the code there should be a configuration that allow to enable or not the platform management - If it is allowed all platform management including for the media must be there - If not so all related to platform should not be there - [ ] Add in the right of the Add media button a Settings icon ("Paramètres" : In french ) - [ ] When clicking on the Settings icon there will be a tab Platforms ( "Plate-formes": In french )
Platform listing - [ ] When being on the platform tab, the listing of platform with the below fields are showing: - ID - Name ( Nom in french) - Description ( Description in french ) - Number of medias ( Nombre de médias in french ) - [ ] Add a button to Add a platform ( Ajouter une plate-forme)
Add platform - [ ] when clicking to add platform , a form opens with the below fields that are all required - Name: String - Description: Long string - Height ( Hauteur) : Int - Width ( Largeur): Int - [ ] When saving with all fields that are valid, there is a success message and you are redirected to the platform listing with the new one added - "The platform was added successfully" - "La plate-forme a été ajouté avec succès" - [ ] When you cancel, you are redirected to the listing that is not updated
Edit platform - [ ] when clicking to one platform in the listing , a form opens with the below fields that are all required and prepopulated - Name - Description - Height - Width - [ ] When saving with all fields, there is a success message and you ar redirected to the platform listing with the platform updated - "The platform was updated successfully" - "La plate-forme a été mise á jour avec succès" - [ ] When you cancel, you are redirected to the listing that is not updated
Delete platform - [ ] When editing a platform there is a Delete option, if you click on it there is a confirmation message - Are you sure you want to delete this platform ?" - Etes vous sur de vouloir supprimer cette plate-forme? " - [ ] If you confirm ( "Confirm", "Confirmer" ) there is a success message and you are redirected to the listing with the platform deleted - "The platform was deleted successfully" - "La plate-forme a été supprimée avec succès" - If you cancel ("Cancel", "Annuler") the popup is closed
akramsarkis commented 5 days ago

This issue is not completed yet, I need to update it