Geeksltd / Olive

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OriginalId is initialised to Guid.Empty() #238

Closed thapabhesh closed 5 years ago

thapabhesh commented 5 years ago

We have a scenario where a new object is saved and then subsequently the same object is updated based on some logic in a given transaction scope. In this case the Original ID is set to Guid.Empty() which does not update the entity itself second time.

var student = Database.Save(new Student{..});
// some other logic goes here
Database.Update(student, (s)=>...);

Update statemement sent to Database

exec sp_executesql N'UPDATE Students SET
                OUTPUT INSERTED.ID
                WHERE ID = @OriginalId',..,@ID='CBDD65AD-D3C5-4798-83C1-0AE9E2849096',@OriginalId='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'