Geektoolkit / Dynaframe3

Dynamic Photo and Video Slideshow system for SBC (such as Raspberry pi)
199 stars 37 forks source link

2.08 Bug Fixes Galore, and continued or new issues #21

Closed qwksilver closed 3 years ago

qwksilver commented 3 years ago

new items

incorporates list items from other items for links (Ranked by Priority, or close :>)

items in bold have been requested, noticed more than once

qwksilver commented 3 years ago

screen capture for 21a cap

qwksilver commented 3 years ago

screen capture for 21e, rotation is my fault, also noted that adding a leading space to the format line fixes this issue and bumps the time over just a bit. using aftermarket font immortal, size 100, the first digit is cropped a bit. i figure this might happen with other fonts too. I did note that the same digit in other spaces looks fine.


Geektoolkit commented 3 years ago

Notes: 21a and 21d - good bugs, I see them will work on them. 21b - I'll see what I can do, not sure I can control that. 21c - doh! I'll get an option for that. 213 - Great bug, hadn't tested that extensively, I should be able to fix that though. Also thanks for testing additional fonts, I handn't gotten there yet. That looks really cool.

9a - Yes Pri 0, the highest. I started work on this today and am having good success. The way it'll work is the first time you install will install 2.07, which will contain an upgrade script which will get copied to /home/pi. From there on you an run that script to reinstall, or pass in a version past 2.07 to install that (so if you want 2.08 you'll run "sudo bash 2.08" and it'll backup appsettings, wipe out an existing install, download and install 2.08, and restore the settings) 9b - pri 1. Hoping for 2.08. 9c - pri 2, though we may close this. I do now kill omxplayer as you suggested, and I haven't seen the epileptic behavior since I did that. I also do a kill before we ever play a video in case a zombie one goes by. 18 - pri 2. As a feature I want it pretty badly, but I need to wait for a framework change to implement it. 8a - 2 main issues I see - Pri 1 (Video copping settings) (Should be easy fix) Pri3- (Video does not crossfade) 8b - Pri1 - I want to get that fixed. 16 - Pri2. I have enough for 2.08, lets push these down for now and can revisit.

Upcoming feature that I'm planning: 1) syncing between displays. one would become a primary, and you'd put in the name/ip of others. Then when one changes, it'd change the others to the same filename. The idea is that you'd point each one to a different folder with a list like 1.jpg, 2.jpg 3.jpg etc. Basically you'd be able to do stuff like this: but they'd all change, or animate.

Also: Controls. I added in arrow key controls in 2.07, not sure if I listed it. The following should work: Arrow left/right - change forward/back. It doesn't work 'fast' yet, but it should allow some control I, H, C, and F - Should info about the file in the info bar if shown (clock must be enabled). Doesn't persist yet. I is IP address, H is 'hide', C is 'clock' and F is filename (To be expanded up on later with file info)

I'd like to get these into the UI so the web can be used to control the frame remotely.

qksilver you've been amazing and I really appreciate the work and support you're providing!

qwksilver commented 3 years ago

21b it worked that way when we first switched over to 2.06, then i uninstalled/reinstalled 2.06 and it started this behavior, so that leads me to believe it's possible.

Re listed above list in closest priority order I can. if you give me a list like: <9a,9b,9c,8a,8b,delete 9c, 24, 23, 8, 16,18> then I can set the punchlist to your attack order.

opened #23 #24 to quantify, and discect, items from comments.

qwksilver commented 3 years ago

9a working with 1 trouble (see end), users need to rerun the 2.07 install process manually. running the 2.07 install with the main command will also keep current settings, it will also add the upgrade command for later use.

trouble: the "upgrade" script will accept 2.06 as an option. and your settings will stay after roll back. upgrading back to 2.07 does then cause problems with the web interface, and erase settings. as so.

Fatal Error! Excpetion occurred.  Info: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path '/home/pi/Dynaframe/appsettings.json' is denied.

to fix all this, delete the whole dynaframe, then reinstall with sudo wget && bash; rm -f

edit - 2.08 so it seems going forward via script or backwards via script causes lockup when trying to "save" on the setting screen. but some functions like add or rem going back from 2.08 to 2.07 causes the 2.07's settings screen to look like 2.08 directories don't work. removing all by hand and redoing 2.07 from scratch returned it to normal function as 2.07

recommend safety to keep from rolling backwards this way.

qwksilver commented 3 years ago

Tried update script, had some issues, did clean install, had same issues so here goes, front list includes, but some parts of this are in #24.

21a, first line fixed, problem now appears as indent on line 3, and double indent on line 4, and 3x-indent on line 5 and so on. lines 1 & 2 are aligned.

new bug 21f : show time setting no long affects screen instantly, recommend make setting info bar choice: clock, file, version, off, then allow keyboard binds from #24 to change setting, and web interface changes to do the same.

new bug, 21h, a portrait photo, in 90deg, uniform, saved settings. on reboot those photos have large black bar borders all round, uniform say about 1/2 the screen used by the photo, same space regardless of photo origin.

new bug, 21i, playlist deletions not leaving if checked. So if you have say pics/landscape with a few items selected, and you "remove" pics/landscape from the list without removing items first, those items are still showing up mixed into the next selections you make, this might have existed in 2.07 or earlier, finding this was an accident

Geektoolkit commented 3 years ago

re: Update script - I think every time I touch settings, it's going to break now that I think about it. The settings are what gets stored in appsettings, and I suspect if you go backwards you'll always break as there are going to be things it wont understand in settings, and yet it tries to deserialize them. For going forwards, I think I can fix it. I'll need a few more versions to work through that I think so I can see a pattern of what's happening. I hit access denied errors despite running as sudo, so possibly something's running still. I'll try to add a pkill in to try to ensure Dynaframe's not running when this is run. Other than that not sure what to do to fix it.

21a..that's frustrating. That took me 2 hours to fix, and I'm still not clear on what I did. I'll try to understand why 3 lines is different than 2.

21h - Can you let me know the resolution of the test photo that you're seeing the black bars? Since mine are curated they're all 1080x1920. I need to get a set of 'test' images that aren't that size. That may be somewhat by design though I'd expect either sides or top to fill (and maintain aspect ratio)

I'll see what I can do on the next session I can do, likely next week though

qwksilver commented 3 years ago

21h all of them appear in the same space regardless of sizes, but I'll poll a sample base and maybe make a set to use as testing images. not tonight though. 21a i think can wait for other issues to be looked at, it's basically cosmetic.

re: update script so i'm thinking back to the days of the .ini file or a .xml file might be more appropriate these days.

just load a set of variables: delay=14000 crossfade=2000 rotation=90 showtime=1 dir1="/home/pi/Pictures"

and so on. then it can load the whole set of variables every reboot, on initial load it loads the defaults for the version, then it loads the ini/xml file iteself, then it writes out the current versions ini/xml file whenever settings is saved.

we would get a file to specifically backup and save elsewhere, possibly using a text editor to set the file up in advance of a new deployment. this would also load the correct set of variables each time after the first run.

qwksilver commented 3 years ago

21h issues documented in #26 with link to video, tracking relabeled as 26a

qwksilver commented 3 years ago

added #31, #29, and bolded multi-requested items on master list above.

qwksilver commented 3 years ago

2.09; 21f, 21g, 21d, all resolved.

21i is much better and has been reopened in #36 with new observations, but the old issues are gone

8a not likely to be done any better without basically having a unified video and photo engine, I'm going to call it resolved.

21a is back to the first offset, instead of the staircase offset, and may just be a feature of the listing engine.

qwksilver commented 3 years ago

closing this because all remain issues are migrated to #36