Geektoolkit / Dynaframe3

Dynamic Photo and Video Slideshow system for SBC (such as Raspberry pi)
203 stars 38 forks source link

Suggestion #211

Open EQUALIT-CG opened 1 year ago

EQUALIT-CG commented 1 year ago

Hello @Geektoolkit


that part is very hard to read could you please make it a little easier to read buy just doing such as the following please

Q: What's next for this project? A: I have a few 'hot' features I want to get in. These include I think having the ability to mark up images with data such as where its taken, or the story behind it, would be handy, esp. if being used as a family photo frame. I want to have a way to show that data

Q: font settings - I'd like to have the front for the clock, and future uses, have settings A: font setting is wip

Q: Weather/RSS feeds A: I play on adding the ability to easily turn on'd be useful to have that get other data such as possibly a stock quote, weather, calendar info, or an RSS feed

Q: Gesture/keypad/ir remotes A: This is something I'm looking into bla bla bla

I'm sure you get the point i just would like to ask if you could make it a little easier to read on the eyes cheers