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Any easier way to access form data in LoginContainer login() function? #19

Closed ksangabriel closed 5 years ago

ksangabriel commented 5 years ago


I am evaluating a codebase generated from react-native-seed. I looked at the samples in mentioned in but couldn't access the email and password in the form.

I get "Error: Field must be inside a component decorated with reduxForm()".

Any easier way to access the form data?

My sample codes:

ksangabriel commented 5 years ago

I think I figured it out.

I added the email and password properties in Props interface.

export interface Props {
    navigation: any;
    valid: boolean;
    email: string;
    password: string;

Then, at the bottom, I now have:

const LoginContainer = reduxForm({
    form: "login",

const selector = formValueSelector('login'); 

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
    email:  selector(state, 'email'),
    password: selector(state, 'password')

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(LoginContainer);

With these, I can retrieve email and password by:
