GeekyEggo / SoundDeck

Sound Deck is a powerful audio-focused plugin for the Elgato Stream Deck.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add Textfile Output for Currently Playing Audio #58

Closed mansman12 closed 1 year ago

mansman12 commented 2 years ago

As a streamer it would be useful to have the currently playing audio file output the title and artist to a textfile which could then be picked up a program like OBS to display on stream.

Is that something that is possible?

GeekyEggo commented 2 years ago

Hey @mansman12, as part of #32 logging was added, so it's certainly possible to write to a file. Currently there's no way to specify just write the file name, nor the file. I'm working on some new actions atm, but will add this to the backlog.

GeekyEggo commented 1 year ago

Hey @mansman12, I'm triaging issues, and sadly I'm going to mark this as "Not planned" for now. Should this change in the future, I will update this ticket. My apologies.

mansman12 commented 1 year ago

@GeekyEggo no worries, I've written a solution below for anyone interested to be able to do this via local code (written in Python). Hopefully you might find this useful if you ever want to revisit this issue!



  1. Make a file called '' and put the following code in it:

    import utilities
    import config

class MusicBot: def init(self): pass

def init(self):

def loop_for_music(self):
    # Get last modified date
    last_mod = utilities.get_file_last_modified(config.sounddeck_log_file_path)
    # Set display text file to show nothing playing
    utilities.set_text_file(config.music_text_file_path,'Nothing Playing')

    while True:
        # Check current modified date
        cur_mod = utilities.get_file_last_modified(config.sounddeck_log_file_path)

        # If changed:
        if last_mod != cur_mod:

            # Get song file path
            cur_song_file_path = utilities.get_sounddeck_log_last_played(config.sounddeck_log_file_path)
            # Get song title
            cur_artist_title = utilities.get_song_artist_title(cur_song_file_path)
            # Update display text file
            utilities.set_text_file(config.music_text_file_path, cur_artist_title)
            # Update last modified date
            last_mod = cur_mod

def main(): music_bot = MusicBot() music_bot.init()

if name == 'main': main()

2. Make a file called '' and put the following code in it:

import datetime import os import music_tag import re

sounddeck_playing_regex = r'[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] [0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9].[0-9]+ [TRACE] SoundDeck.Core.Playback.IAudioPlayer: Playing \"([A-Za-z0-9.\:\ -]+)\"'

def set_text_file(file_path_name, text):

Simple write to text file

file = open(file_path_name, 'w')

def get_file_last_modified(file_path_name):

Get modified time (returns in Unix)

out_unix = os.path.getmtime(file_path_name)
out_greg = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(out_unix)

return out_greg

def get_sounddeck_log_last_played(file_path_name): file = open(file_path_name, 'r') text = matches = re.findall(sounddeck_playing_regex, text) last_match = matches[-1]

return last_match

def get_file_name(file_path_name): file_name = os.path.basename(file_path_name) file_name_list = file_name.split('.')

return file_name_list[0]

def get_song_artist_title(file_path_name): file = music_tag.load_file(file_path_name) artist = str(file['artist']) title = str(file['title']) artist_title = title + ' - ' + artist

return artist_title

3. And finally make a file called '' and put the following code in it, then update [PATH_TO_TEXT_FILE_TO_UPDATE.txt] and [FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME]:

music_text_file_path = [PATH_TO_TEXT_FILE_TO_UPDATE.txt] sounddeck_log_file_path = 'C:\Users\[FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Elgato\StreamDeck\Plugins\com.geekyeggo.sounddeck.sdPlugin\logs\SoundDeck.log'

4. Run '', you'll find that when it initially runs, the text file output is set to 'Nothing Playing'. When you start playing audio through SoundDeck, the method will pick up the file and output the title and artist to the specified text file.