Closed schmargi closed 8 years ago
Fix #24
Now, when the user has two layers like:
p_t_red-button AND p_m_red-button and export them.
In folder "Images.xcassets/red-button.imageset/" There are now the images:
and also the Content.json for both
{ "images":[ { "idiom":"ipad", "scale":"1x", "filename":"ipad_red-button.png" }, { "idiom":"ipad", "scale":"2x", "filename":"ipad_red-button@2x.png" }, { "idiom":"ipad", "scale":"3x", "filename":"ipad_red-button@3x.png" }, { "idiom":"universal", "scale":"1x", "filename":"universal_red-button.png" }, { "idiom":"universal", "scale":"2x", "filename":"universal_red-button@2x.png" }, { "idiom":"universal", "scale":"3x", "filename":"universal_red-button@3x.png" } ], "info":{ "version":1, "author":"xcode" } }
Fix #24
Now, when the user has two layers like:
p_t_red-button AND p_m_red-button and export them.
In folder "Images.xcassets/red-button.imageset/" There are now the images:
and also the Content.json for both