GeertvanGeest / addbioschemas

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incorrect HTML tags are created around the script tag which contains the JSON-LD object #5

Open abotzki opened 2 months ago

abotzki commented 2 months ago

for an example see the documentation at

GeertvanGeest commented 2 months ago

For some reasons I don't understand everything that gets inserted before the first heading gets incorrectly html opening, body opening and head tags around it:


It kind of treats is as it were the first html but there's usually head content above it.

Setting priority to 1 results in:

<div><p><script type="application/ld+json">
    &ldquo;@context&rdquo;: &ldquo;;,
    &ldquo;@type&rdquo;: &ldquo;LearningResource&rdquo;,
    &ldquo;@id&rdquo;: &ldquo;;,
    &ldquo;;: {
        &ldquo;@type&rdquo;: &ldquo;CreativeWork&rdquo;,
        &ldquo;@id&rdquo;: &ldquo;;
    &ldquo;description&rdquo;: &ldquo;Template for ELIXIR lessons&rdquo;,
    &ldquo;keywords&rdquo;: &ldquo;FAIR, OPEN, Bioinformatics, Teaching&rdquo;,
    &ldquo;name&rdquo;: &ldquo;ELIXIR Training Lesson template&rdquo;,
    &ldquo;license&rdquo;: &ldquo;CC-BY-4.0&rdquo;,
    &ldquo;author&rdquo;: [
            &ldquo;@type&rdquo;: &ldquo;Person&rdquo;,
            &ldquo;name&rdquo;: &ldquo;Geert van Geest&rdquo;,
            &ldquo;email&rdquo;: &ldquo;;,
            &ldquo;github&rdquo;: &ldquo;GeertvanGeest&rdquo;,
            &ldquo;orcid&rdquo;: &ldquo;0000-0002-1561-078X&rdquo;
            &ldquo;@type&rdquo;: &ldquo;Person&rdquo;,
            &ldquo;name&rdquo;: &ldquo;Elin Kronander&rdquo;,
            &ldquo;github&rdquo;: &ldquo;elinkronander&rdquo;,
            &ldquo;orcid&rdquo;: &ldquo;0000-0003-0280-6318&rdquo;

While we expect:

<script type="application/ld+json">
    "@context": "",
    "@type": "LearningResource",
    "@id": "",
    "": {
        "@type": "CreativeWork",
        "@id": ""
    "description": "Template for ELIXIR lessons",
    "keywords": "FAIR, OPEN, Bioinformatics, Teaching",
    "name": "ELIXIR Training Lesson template",
    "license": "CC-BY-4.0",
    "author": [
            "@type": "Person",
            "name": "Geert van Geest",
            "email": "",
            "github": "GeertvanGeest",
            "orcid": "0000-0002-1561-078X"
            "@type": "Person",
            "name": "Elin Kronander",
            "github": "elinkronander",
            "orcid": "0000-0003-0280-6318"
GeertvanGeest commented 2 months ago

BTW: quick fix would be adding the bioschemas insert after any markdown, so e.g.:

# ELIXIR Lesson Title 

[add-bioschemas file='./docs/training-material.yaml']
GeertvanGeest commented 2 months ago

It seems to be a mkdocs-material issue. Everything works as expected with mkdocs.

GeertvanGeest commented 2 months ago

We might be able to fix it with a postprocessor. However, in that case it is only possible to add one json-LD to a page. I think this covers most (if not all) use-cases.