Refactor the abstract to mention the thesis scope and results, not the current state of the art
Link to UML and BPMN specifications from the OMG website
Correctly use the term "Ecore", "metamodel", and "EMF".
Add a list of listings on the final page (next to the list of tables).
Add a new takeaway related to model validation in Sirius Web
Describe metamodel family M0, M1, M2, M3
Move subcaptions from figures into text
Improve the position of floated elements. Bring them closer to the text that refers to them.
Add bibliography reference for AQL
Change the word obfuscated to a correct Polish word.
Add sources to the 2 example BalticLSC applications shown in the thesis.
Explain why my metamodel is different from the BalticLSC's CAL metamodel. Specifically, explain why some classes are not present, why ComputationUnitRelease is not broken into ComputationApplicationRelease and ComputationModuleRelease, why there are ApplicationDataPins
Replace the word port with pin
Correctly refer to computation units, not computation modules throughout the thesis text.
Fix the mistakingly used asynchronous communication in the sequence diagram for integrating BalticLSC with Sirius Web (figure 37)
Use the correct UML notation in the activity diagram (figure 28) (rhombus for an if, circles for start/finish)
Use the correct UML notation in the class diagram (figure 30) (empty arrowhead for implementing an interface)
Address the feedback received from the tutor.
Main changes include:
is not broken intoComputationApplicationRelease
, why there areApplicationDataPin
sCloses #166