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Reverting class-side method change in Changes browser creates instance method? #1005

Open ericwinger opened 8 months ago

ericwinger commented 8 months ago

I haven't reproduced this but the complaint is that if a class-side method is reverted in the Changes browser, an instance side method is created.

Below is the slack conversation:

Dale: Just hit a variant of the "unexpected class side..." issue in Dolphin ... in case that helps .. I was in the method history browser and did a revert of history of the method to the original and the new instance side method is the reverted method and the class-side method was not reverted ...


Eric: To clarify ...  fromPath:ifAbsent: is an instance side method. When reverted a class-side method was created?
Dale: no the other way around ... fromPath:ifAbsent: is a class-side method and when I reverted the classs-side history, the instance side method was created ...