GemTalk / RemoteServiceReplication

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Error handling when Connection closes and message attempts to provide response #106

Open kurtkilpela opened 3 years ago

kurtkilpela commented 3 years ago
GemStone: Error         Nonfatal
a RsrUnknownSID occurred (error 2710), -357
Error Category: 231169 [GemStone] Number: 2710  Arg Count: 1 Context : 20 exception : 165795841
Arg 1: [20 size:0 primitiveSize:0 cls: 76289 UndefinedObject] nil
topaz > exec iferr 1 : stk 
==> 1 RsrUnknownSID (AbstractException) >> _signalToDebugger @10 line 6   [methId 102475265]
2 RsrUnknownSID (AbstractException) >> defaultAction @2 line 18   [methId 102475009]
3 RsrUnknownSID (AbstractException) >> _defaultAction @4 line 4   [methId 102476033]
4 RsrUnknownSID (AbstractException) >> _signalWith: @5 line 25   [methId 3518721]
5 RsrUnknownSID (AbstractException) >> signal:  @3 line 7   [methId 3726849]
6 RsrUnknownSID class (AbstractException class) >> signal: @3 line 4   [methId 3895553]
7 [] in RsrConnection >> _stronglyRetain:       @11 line 7   [methId 110453505]
8 RsrThreadSafeDictionary >> at:ifAbsent:       @7 line 9   [methId 106213121]
9 RsrConnection >> _stronglyRetain:             @3 line 6   [methId 107390977]
10 RsrSnapshotAnalysis >> ensureRegistered:      @7 line 5   [methId 108370177]
11 RsrSnapshotAnalysis >> analyzeService:        @2 line 3   [methId 108372225]
12 RsrServiceReference class >> analyze:using:   @2 line 4   [methId 108243201]
13 RsrSnapshotAnalysis >> analyze:               @7 line 5   [methId 108374273]
14 [] in RsrSnapshotAnalysis >> analyzeCollection: @6 line 3   [methId 111447553]
15 Array (Collection) >> do:                     @5 line 10   [methId 5782785]
16 RsrSnapshotAnalysis >> analyzeCollection:     @2 line 3   [methId 108371457]
17 RsrArrayReference class (RsrCollectionReference class) >> analyze:using: @2 line 4   [methId 108249345]
18 RsrSnapshotAnalysis >> analyze:               @7 line 5   [methId 108374273]
19 [] in RsrSnapshotAnalysis >> perform          @6 line 3   [methId 111450369]
20 Array (Collection) >> do:                     @5 line 10   [methId 5782785]
21 RsrSnapshotAnalysis >> perform                @2 line 3   [methId 108373761]
22 RsrRemotePromiseResolver >> sendResult:closureRoots: @5 line 8   [methId 105897985]
23 [] in RsrRemotePromiseResolver >> resolution: @18 line 8   [methId 112195073]
24 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do:              @3 line 44   [methId 5661185]
25 [] in RsrRemotePromiseResolver >> resolution: @11 line 10   [methId 108915201]
26 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure:             @2 line 12   [methId 5648641]
27 Semaphore >> critical:                        @3 line 6   [methId 19429377]
28 RsrRemotePromiseResolver >> resolution:       @2 line 5   [methId 105885185]
29 RsrRemotePromiseResolver >> fulfill:          @3 line 4   [methId 105884417]
30 [] in RsrSendMessage >> perform:answerUsing:  @12 line 8   [methId 109870081]
31 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do:              @3 line 44   [methId 5661185]
32 RsrSendMessage >> perform:answerUsing:        @3 line 9   [methId 107346945]
33 [] in RsrSendMessage >> executeFor:           @34 line 21   [methId 112148481]
34 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do:              @3 line 44   [methId 5661185]
35 [] in RsrSendMessage >> executeFor:           @9 line 22   [methId 109868801]
36 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure:             @2 line 12   [methId 5648641]
37 RsrSendMessage >> executeFor:                 @4 line 25   [methId 107346433]
38 [] in RsrConnection >> _receivedCommand:      @10 line 7   [methId 110451201]
39 [] in RsrProcessModel >> fork:named:          @7 line 5   [methId 108414721]
40 ExecBlock >> valueWithArguments:              @1 line 7   [methId 5654785]
41 GsProcess >> _start                           @7 line 16   [methId 6456321]
42 GsNMethod class >> _gsReturnToC               @1 line 11   [methId 5483521]