GemTalk / Rowan

a new project/package manager for Smalltalk that supports FileTree and Tonel repositories, and is independent of Monticello and Metacello
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tonel reader should check class name for each method . #890

Open AllenOtis opened 1 year ago

AllenOtis commented 1 year ago

Apparently our tonel reader ignores the class name that is part of each method .
We had a method in with the wrong class name, yet the method was still being compiled into Character . The tonel reader should check the class name on each method definition and issue an error if it does not match the class name declared in the Extension line at the front of the file.

commit bebbc14adbfff3c2bf716817222c349591a49993 diff ==================================== image/rowan/src/Filein1A/ @@ -516,0 +517,8 @@ OutOfRange new name:'anInteger' min: 0 max: 16r10FFFF actual: anInteger ; signal +{ #category : 'Unicode' } +Character class >> allUnicodeCodePointsDo: aBlock [