Gemeente-DenHaag / mijndenhaag-pwa

Progressive Web App based on React and Gatsby for the MijnDenHaag personal environment.
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As a citizen/entrepeneur I can see the details of a 'Zaak' #11

Closed mjcarsjens closed 3 years ago

mjcarsjens commented 3 years ago

When a specific 'Zaak' is clicked in the overview of 'Mijn Zaken' a detail view should appear showing the details corresponding to the clicked 'Zaak'. This data is retrieved from the 'OpenZaak' API.

For now we want to display the following components from the figma design:

TODO: Add issue numbers for the individual issues of the components as stated above.


mjcarsjens commented 3 years ago

@Gemeente-DenHaag/mdh-rysst TODO:

DanielvanVliet commented 3 years ago

Which issues replace this? - I'm not sure whether this is obsolete. It is also referenced in quite a few issues as 'dependency'

ogjtech commented 3 years ago

Which issues replace this? - I'm not sure whether this is obsolete. It is also referenced in quite a few issues as 'dependency'

@Gemeente-DenHaag/mdh-rysst this story is not obsolete as far as I am aware. I mentioned it in the above issues as dependency in order to consider them done. None of them intend to replace or divide this story into multiple smaller stories.