Gemeente-DenHaag / mijndenhaag-pwa

Progressive Web App based on React and Gatsby for the MijnDenHaag personal environment.
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As a user, I want to be able to see the status of a "zaak" #37

Open ogjtech opened 3 years ago

ogjtech commented 3 years ago

As a user I want to be able to see the status of a "zaak", so that I can gain insight into the progress of my "zaak".


Data is only fetched from the OpenZaak API through the front-end gateway. Any data from the Object API is out-of-scope.

A component shows a list of possible statuses for a "zaak". All past statuses are marked by a filled circle with a checkmark, the current status is marked by an outlined circle with an arrow. All future statuses are marked by an outlined circle.


For this story to be implemented, a number of other stories in other projects must be implemented.

Supporting media

Below are some supporting media (i.e. screenshots, links to documents, videos) to clarify the expected result

The final design: image

Acceptance criteria