Gemeente-DenHaag / mijndenhaag-pwa

Progressive Web App based on React and Gatsby for the MijnDenHaag personal environment.
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Mock login #6

Closed DanielvanVliet closed 3 years ago

DanielvanVliet commented 3 years ago

As a developer I want to be able to log in to MijnDenHaag with test users, so that I can test different test scenarios

For now, we will create a mock login page that is similar in functionality to the original POC: https: //

In other words, a page with a field where a BSN can be entered. We must also be able to enter a KvK-nummer as an 'ondernemer' test user.

Acceptance criteria:

  1. set up mock login screen where test users can be entered
  2. 'burger' login is based on BSN
  3. 'ondernemer' login contains a 'KvK-nummer'


bddjong commented 3 years ago

Generating and signing a JWT that contains the BSN and KVK is not in the scope of this story, because it's functionality that belongs to the Gateway.