We are creating a mock homepage based on our base page structure as created in #21 and a title and paragraph text.
All other items in the design, including notification, current Zaak and Tips block are out of scope.
This story combines the work from #17, #18, #19, #20, #21 and #23. And results in a single page with these elements.
We are creating a mock homepage based on our base page structure as created in #21 and a title and paragraph text. All other items in the design, including notification, current
and Tips block are out of scope. This story combines the work from #17, #18, #19, #20, #21 and #23. And results in a single page with these elements.DESIGN https://www.figma.com/proto/UavWwPqFfBgGQqFbeGgJgW/Prototype---Ons-Den-Haag?node-id=761%3A4001&viewport=1427%2C212%2C0.07503892481327057&scaling=min-zoom&hide-ui=1
SCOPE a. conform design, b. Header c. Navigation (horizontal) d. Welcome Anne text from mock data CMS e. vertical navigation
Acceptance criteria