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A whole bunch of proofreading #113

Closed InSimpleTermsJordan closed 1 year ago

InSimpleTermsJordan commented 1 year ago

mostly punctuation and capitalization, but also a few spelling fixes and some rewording

What Is Gender

(more about that in the Causes of Gender Dysphoria section)

Is it possible to make this link to the section?

Gender Euphoria

Would it be worth linking to the Wikipedia article for Plato's cave allegory?

Social Dysphoria

I'm assuming the forgotten adjective in "surprisingly phenomenon" was something like "common", so please correct it if it's wrong

Societal Dysphoria

[...] (beyond the discomfort that women experience, as this includes genuine attention, not just unwanted attention).

Recommend rewording this, as it seems to imply that the discomfort women experience is what includes genuine attention rather than the discomfort AFAB trans people experience

Existential Dysphoria

Sometimes existential dysphoria can manifest existentially

strongly recommend rewording for redundancy reasons

Impostor Syndrome


do we really have to support Jeff Bezos?

Am I Trans?

"it’s nearly impossible avoid listening to oneself over others." has been reworded as "it’s nearly impossible to avoid listening to others over oneself." as the former seems contradictory to the rest of the paragraph, but I may be missing something, so please correct me if it's wrong

I also suggest rewording "I thought being dysphoric all the time was normal human behavior" so as to not imply that dysphoria is a behavior and therefore a choice

Also could use confirmation that "If you want to be a girl and you’ve always thought of yourself as a guy, then you will probably be happier living as a girl." is worded correctly

Clinical Diagnoses

Some of these changes are to bring the wording somewhat closer to the text of the DSM-5 without making it too binary-centric

Treating Gender Dysphoria

A newly developing area of bottom surgery is in AMAB non-binary operations which attempt to perform vaginoplasty without the removal of the penis. This particular surgery is extremely experimental and has been performed less than a dozen times in the United States, but the outlook for the future is good.

Highly recommend a source on this (admittedly mostly because it interests me personally and I couldn't find anything about it when I looked it up)

Estrogenic Second Puberty

Removed dead link to

ErdaradunGaztea commented 1 year ago

Regarding the second-to-last part, the one about PPV, you may look up r/salmacian subreddit for info (though I'm not sure if I'd use it as a source).

InSimpleTermsJordan commented 1 year ago

most recent commits are to fix the spelling of Magnus Hirschfeld as "Hirschfield" (#127)

InSimpleTermsJordan commented 1 year ago

ok not sure how @gjvnq's commits got in here

Twipped commented 1 year ago

I think because you merged master instead of rebased. That tends to do that.

Regarding non-binary surgeries:

do we really have to support Jeff Bezos?

For many people, Amazon is the easiest and often cheapest means of getting ahold of goods, and Mia herself links to the Amazon pages. But sure, we could add the Book Depository link... oh wait, that's also owned by Amazon. Or we could add the link to Waterstones, which is owned by the Elliot Investment Management hedge fund. Or we could link to Barnes & Noble, which is also owned by Elliot Investment Management.

Well damn...

InSimpleTermsJordan commented 1 year ago

do we really have to support Jeff Bezos?

For many people, Amazon is the easiest and often cheapest means of getting ahold of goods, and Mia herself links to the Amazon pages. But sure, we could add the Book Depository link... oh wait, that's also owned by Amazon. Or we could add the link to Waterstones, which is owned by the Elliot Investment Management hedge fund. Or we could link to Barnes & Noble, which is also owned by Elliot Investment Management.

Looked into it, and it seems it is possible to link directly to the book's page on the site of the publisher, Jessica Kingsley Publishers (and I should probably clarify that I'm not affiliated with them despite my initials also being "JKP" lol), which is controlled by Hachette, which is controlled by Lagardère Publishing, a subsidiary of Lagardère Group. I'm not particularly fond of Hachette due to its attacks on the Internet Archive, but it's probably still better than the other two. The book is also available on a certain shadow library, though it's probably not advisable to link to its page there or to the book's IPFS link.