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German translation markdownized #73

Closed ErdaradunGaztea closed 2 years ago

ErdaradunGaztea commented 2 years ago

All credits to @JuliaF1988 and her work on translating GDB to German. She already posted it almost a year ago, in #24, but it was a .docx file, as no translation framework existed back then. Lately Julia allowed me to reformat everything to Markdown and helped translate a few missing strings, mostly headers and footers.

I built the site with gulp, no problem, except that I'm on Windows and gulp on Windows does not build images, so if there are any errors, they are most likely to be related to images.

Tweet translations from Julia's work will be included later, once I figure out the best way to position them, perhaps a collapsible div or sth?...

Last note, I created an additional SCSS file, since the Gothic A1 font (or sth like that) doesn't work well with umlauts (and, by the way, also Polish letters like ąęćśńźżłó).

Twipped commented 2 years ago

This is awesome! Really great follow through on the font issue, I didn't even think of it. I do have plans for a twitter i18n solution, it just hasn't been implemented yet. Want me to ping you once I've got something in there?

ErdaradunGaztea commented 2 years ago

Definitely do it! I promised I'd add tweet translations too and damn sure I will, after the tweet translation framework is created.