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describe translegalism, a concept in transmed spectrum #76

Closed ErdaradunGaztea closed 2 years ago

ErdaradunGaztea commented 2 years ago

Added paragraph in transmed section of Impostor Syndrome chapter; inspired by an exchange on a trans Discord server. I believe it fits here due to the similarities between transmed and "translegalism" (although not really a name that's used, it makes sense), but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a stretch to include it here.

Couldn't translate it to German nor Chinese, since I don't know these languages well enough (or at all).

No formatting problems spotted: image

Twipped commented 2 years ago

This is excellent! I'd never heard this term before, but I have seen the phenomenon and you described it really well. It's even in the same style as the rest of the text. Well done!

ErdaradunGaztea commented 2 years ago

(tbh I'd never heard this term either, but we were discussing what just happened on our Discord server and I commented it sounded like transmed, and one girl responded with "more like translegalism", so that's how the term was born)