GenderedIntelligence / the-trans-dimension

The Trans Dimension is an online community hub connecting trans communities in the UK.
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Generate issues from Design audit non-urgent comments #281

Open katjam opened 2 years ago

katjam commented 2 years ago


Add small related stuff to exisiting issues Note link in email so can be tracked from original audit list

Raw design notes

Changes needed for full launch

Button / lozenge borders [Sitewide] Border-width wants to be 2px, it seems to be 2px for fields which looks right, but it’s 0.2 rem on buttons which is looking too thick.

Homepage / news index — white box areas [All states] The spacing is inconsistent, there should be more spacing on the homepage (they should be exactly the same actually if that helps!) The text should be limited to three lines in smaller states as per design as it distorts the spacing quite badly. The line height of the news title when it runs to two lines is wrong. The weight of the news title is wrong (on homepage only) The bullet before the date should only appear if we are having author names, if we’re dropping author names, drop the bullet :) Spacing between the title, date, and text is also wrong — too narrow in smaller states. Seems to be no spacing between the read the rest button and the text Spacing between read the rest / View all the news is too narrow (homepage only) Read the rest button is not central to the white box (news page only)

Homepage [Desktop/large states] As mentioned earlier, if the blue box is not returning let me know and I’ll resupply images which restore some key bits of Harry’s illustration :)

About page [1024x768, fine above this size] Spacing is wrong for columns of text, needs more breathing space at the outer sides. Spacing between text and find out more buttons in the meet the makers section (there isn’t any).

About page [Desktop/large states] Need to fix the awkward text wrap here, and make sure “access to trans-led and trans-friendly spaces for all of us.” sits at the bottom of the left hand column, having a bit more space on the right hand column will feel fine.

Partner / event pages [All states] Kim mentioned there was concern about where key contact information lives — I think it can be moved above the description where it’s either the top of the page, or below a logo area (I’ve yet to find a logo?) as long as it has lots of comfortable spacing (can visualise if required). Alternatively we could impose a max length on the partner descriptions? (I also think this might be easier to absorb once the spacing issue is resolved.)

Events index / News index / Partners index title area [All states] This text should not be moving up and down, but should appear in the same location when you navigate from one page to the next. Where it is only one line, it should sit centrally vertically within the pink block.

News index title [Larger states] News title has been made longer and now uncomfortably has one word “partners” by itself on the second line, can we go back to a shorter title, perhaps “Updates & articles from our partners” or from “TDD partners” if we’re using TDD anywhere otherwise avoid!

Partners title area [Larger states] The smaller text in the pink block has a max width which is not being applied and is running far too wide.

Maps issue from feedback [All states] Katja mentioned feedback about them being difficult to parse, Kim mentioned the planned fix is a button link to Google maps, which I think is fine, and we have a design for what a button looks like under the map.

If we’d like to look at the map being swapped to another colour way just let me know, we could reverse them if that’s the issue, I'm unsure what exactly needs fixing, but Mapbox is super flexible so we can bring back lots of detail that would help.

Footer [All states] The change of text (created by) with the loss of RND means it feels too small and awkward and currently makes it obvious that the + is off centre. Can we make the text longer “a creation of” or "Boldly made by" perhaps, to fit the tone of “follow us out there”.

All seems to be moving in a liquid fashion which is giving some very unpleasant spacing and imbalance particularly at larger states, can we have the footer follow the spacing and positions in the XD designs, if not let’s discuss some half way fixes.

The link to Squid links to a page within my site not the homepage, the others aren’t linked to about pages, so guessing it's a glitch?

Footer — Sub navigation [768x1024] This is running across two lines but we have less links than designed for, is there an intention for more links to go back? If yes, leave as is, if not there’s room for it to run on one line.

Low priority

Partner / event indexes [All states] The arrows/dates width isn’t correct everywhere, would be nice to tidy up if possible. I think the fade in colour over the links/descriptions looks fab but should be a bit faster.

Footer [Sitewide] Can the background stars go into the navy bar in the footer? Fine if not just would be nice :D

katjam commented 2 years ago

Alternative images for use on homepage (from email 21 June 2022):

I’ve attached the alternative images to use on the homepage to bring back some of Harry’s illustrations (apologies for the delay on these).

I’m sure these are super low priority but if it’s an easy fix great :)

It’s a swap out for the header image at the two largest states, and a swap for a strip of images when we get to 1024. At the portrait tablet state I think it’s fine as is.

For mobile I hadn’t realised that we’ve lost a large part of Harry’s illustration on the homepage which featured two characters — could we trade the current image between our pink intro block and the upcoming events for the larger image which has these characters? (This image originally sat between the pink and blue blocks, I've reattached it just in case).

katjam commented 1 month ago


Shall we... 1) add to the bottom of work queue, 2) close as a won't fix, 3) leave open for future niceness but not important now.

studiosquid commented 1 month ago

@katjam The bulk is 3 I think, if it's all sat untouched since 2022 it can sit a while longer, I feel like there's bigger priorities. Some of them are in other tickets (the physical address for GI being wrong & the GI logo getting changed.)

(It would be really nice if the link to my site could be fixed, I just don't know why the wrong URL went in in the first place — but realistically it's not important to anyone but me.)

katjam commented 3 weeks ago

I'll ticket the link to you site! So crazy we haven't fixed that for you. :hugs:

studiosquid commented 3 weeks ago

Fab thank you! 😄