Gene-Weaver / VoucherVision

Initiated by the University of Michigan Herbarium, VoucherVision harnesses the power of large language models (LLMs) to transform the transcription process of natural history specimen labels.
GNU General Public License v3.0
11 stars 1 forks source link

Consider supporting groq #6

Open nickynicolson opened 1 week ago

nickynicolson commented 1 week ago
Groq provides an OpenAI compatible API to several LLMs e.g. LLaMA3 8b, LLaMA3 70b, Mixtral 8x7b, Gemma 7b (documented on the models page) and free access - as of 2024-06-24 usage limits are: ID Request per minute Requests per day Tokens per minute
llama3-8b-8192 30 14,400 30,000
gemma-7b-it 30 14,400 15,000
mixtral-8x7b-32768 30 14,400 5,000
llama3-70b-8192 30 14,400 6,000

Is it worth considering supporting this as an LLM API provider?

Gene-Weaver commented 1 week ago

Absolutely! This is certainly on the todo list. Mixtral-8x7b and llama3-70b are both good candidates. This might also help you scale up significantly. I will make sure it happens soon. Groq would also be good for the agents workflow given the huge speed advantage.

I also have a sandbox script that calls 256 OpenAI API calls simultaneously, so that can achieve more or less 1,000 transcriptions per minute too (assuming we want to pay for it!).